
To any one who has children?

by Guest63422  |  earlier

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How would you feel if someone insulted you children and said they look like monkeys or called them hurtful names?

Would you stand up for your children or just laugh?

Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.




  1. Hi Angel Eyes. This has actually happened to my 2 girls. They have come home from school crying because someone called them names, and made fun of them. Of course I comforted them. But I taught them that people who call others names, are usually insecure in themselves, and need to feel 'big' by doing that to others. I've also taught them that the bible says that we aren't fighting flesh and blood, but the devil, in all his different disguises. I've taught them to pray for those who say hurtful things to them. They are grown now, and are advocates for people who are pushed around by 'bullies'. My girls became the ones in school who the other kids came to when someone made fun of them.

  2. Your statement makes no sense. In fact, my grandson just read it and called it stupid.  

  3. If you let it happen why do you complain? If anyone insulted them you should strike back like its threatening your life. I know i would

  4. You always always stand up for your children no matter what. You are their anchor in life and they have to know that you will protect them from hurtful people and take their side - even if they are sometimes in the wrong!  Hey, that's what family is for. God always loves us and forgives us, so we have to reflect his fatherly ways in our relationship with our kids.  "Suffer the little children" doesn't mean that kids have to suffer - it's archaic language and really means "be compassionate with children". This phrase and the horrible "Spare the rod and spoil the child - UGH" have probably contributed to a,lot of child abuse over the centuries. We must teach our children Love, Sensitivity, Compassion, and Understanding ...with Love being the greatest of all.

  5. Sticks and stones. Wah-wah-wah.

    No, I would teach them about human nature and how they have a choice to believe and accept, or reject, what another person says to or about them.

    If they want to choose to allow someone to have that kind of power over their feelings, it's their choice.

    <Fill in the first line - if you can>

    Wipe your teary eye

    point to the East, point to the West

    point to the one that you like best

  6. do not cast your pearls....

    use a gentle hand to tenderly wipe away the tears, but, allow God to be each mans judge.

  7. You can attack me, but not my children. I become a female lion watching after my cubs and I attack full force. If you hurt them, you hurt me and I feel it right in the heart. God bless you.

  8. defend them of course. itll only hurt them much worse if you laugh.

  9. I would teach her to defend herself.

    I don't understand your point.

  10. I would stand up for my child, in fact, of all the things in the world my son is what I would defend the most.

    Of course, in the example you use, it would entirely depend on context, at 10 years old, if another child his age told him he looked like a monkey, I am sure my son could speak for himself - there is a fine line between being over protective (and unintentionally undermining your child's Independence) and not helping enough.

    As for Jesus, I am not religious, and I am my child's parent, not him.

  11. Stand Up ;]

    OtherWise your not very good support!  

  12. Don't get mad - get even!

  13. I would stand up for my children and tell them that there are mean people in this world and that they need to learn how to stand up for themselves as well.

  14. And your point is?

  15. Band together and attack them like the ancient wild monkeys we evolved from would have.

  16. i'd stand up for my son and anyone else's child in a heartbeat.

  17. I don't have kids, but you make a good point.

  18. Does this have anything to do with us having evolved from monkeys?

    Yes, we have.  What's so insulting about that?

  19. oh dear lord..not YOU again.

    didnt we tell you to just get over it already

  20. I saw what that loser AussieGob did. It was a new low.

    I am a family man with 2 kids.

    God help anyone who would try to harm them.

  21. Jesus said to FORGIVE as you would want to be forgiven!!! Monkey's are CUTE, and I happen to call mine monkeys all the time!!!

    Honestly do you think Rose is truly offended by some stranger online? She knows her child is beautiful, she doesn't need confirmation.....particularly from strangers....

  22. Stick up for your kids. Don't go by a book that some lunatic wrote.

  23. What has having children to do with your imaginary god?

    You may NOT use this as an analogy. Children are real, god is not

  24. To bad Jesus wasn't real, but if someone insulted my children, I'd make them regret it. Nothing to do with religion.

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