
To any teenage guy..........?

by  |  earlier

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Would you date a bigger girl? Even if she was into the same things you were and you liked her? Or do all you want is skinny, big b***s and fake bleach blonde hair?

I'm just confused, thanks




  1. yeah i would. if i liked someone, why wouldn't i?


  2. I think anyone is beutiful how they are really and the only thing that matters about your weight is if your happy with it if you are then so should every body else and i know how you feel im a little overwheight as well not hugebut i get the feeling you have right now....

  3. I'm 5'5 and im skinny and short-ish...

    so that would be a hard for me to do.

    If I was bigger yes :D

  4. id get with any girl if we had a connection.but theire are some fella,s that only go for skinny girls but who cares bout them anyway why would you wanna be with a shallow guy whos probably only after 1 thing

  5. Don't ask things like that online. You are patronizing we as men and you used a slang term many people find offensive. Just stop!  

  6. personally i wouldn't,

    im quite athletic, and overweight is a huge turn-off for me, sorry

  7. well if the girl wasnt really big sure, i mean im 16 and i play soccer and run alot, so im pretty slim myself but always a chance u know

  8. A bigger girl but she still has to be pretty. I know many bigger girls who are very attractive but big as a Suburban.

  9. hay girl i would date  a big girl but not as  long as you are 500lbs our 400lbs i like big girls that are s**y big girls can bbe very s**y but would you date a big guy that you liked that was in to the same thing as you our is all  what you shallow and  heartless girls a hot and super s**y skinny guy  with a big co$k and a 6 pack like john cena our the game and fake love???

  10. lol that's a silly question.... well i guess their are no silly questions...

    There are 2 types of people in this world.... Shallow And Real.   A real man/woman will see past appearance and jump on a prime opportunity to be happy with a compatible woman ... but I'm sorry to say that i used to be a teen boy and most of us were shallow.

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