
To anyone that knows about patents, inventions, etc.?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea for a product, and know I have to patent it, but where do I go from there? Especially since I don't know much about the field this product fits to.




  1. There are some persons/sites that provided on line patent rights for nominal charges.

    I can find one site regarding the patent issues.

    You can find more detailed information about "On line Patent Exchange ".

    Hope this will help you.

  2. what is your idea for a product?

  3. Where are you from?  There's a good patent law firm in Kansas City.  That's all they do.

  4. My answer is based on US patent practice.

    I completely disagree with Apple Jacks. You need to contact a patent attorney before disclosing your idea. Also, you can get a patent without building the actual invention (provided it doesn't violate the laws of physics).

    A patent attorney is the best way to get a patent, but also very expensive. I would be very cautious about getting a book and trying to get the patent yourself. Those books do not adequately explain the legal significance of the language you use (only an experienced attorney will know how to write the application and draft the claims), and they don't teach you about inequitable conduct, which could result in you losing all of your patent rights.

    Once you have a patent application filed, you can use "patent pending" with your invention and begin talking with investors (your lawyer can help with the confidentiality agreements, etc).

  5. heres a coupla links to get ya goin' friend ...

  6. Basically, go find a patent lawyer in your city and talk to them. You have to submit a patent application, which can include a description or drawings of your idea.

    There are certain rules you must follow to get a patent, and one of them is to NEVER TELL ANYONE about what your idea is, or that will make your patent application invalid.  If you need help with it and disclose it to someone who will work on it with you, you must get them to sign a confidentiality agreement.

  7. You need to consult a patent attorney. The art of writing patents properly so that they will really be worth something is very complicated. Searching prior art is in itself a huge task. And, in general, merely having an idea without having implemented it, is a pretty weak platform.

  8. Have a look at

    It explains the patent process, and how to go about getting a patent. It also tells you how patents protect your invention.

    I agree with the previous answer. Don't reveal your invention to anyone except a patent attorney. Otherwise your invention could be considered "public domain", which could make it unpatentable.

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