
To anyone who has ever been cheated on...?

by Guest61145  |  earlier

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This question may seem rather stupid once you read it, but I'm asking to help satisfy my own curiousity.

I beleive that the zodiac sign we were born under has a little to do with our personalities. I believe this because I read the description of a certain sign and I think of someone I know who is that sign and the description is pretty accurate. I know mine is pretty accurate.

While reading up on this, I came across a website that profiles each zodiac sign and it tells you their level of faithfulness. It rated the faithfulness on a High, Medium and Low scale. I want to see how accurate this is. So if you could tell me if you were cheated on and tell me what that person's zodiac sign was, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you know the person's birthdate but not there sign you can look it up in the list below.




  1. i'm virgo and i've never cheated on my husband.. my ex is was geminis and in fact he did cheat on me.. so i abosolutely have to agree with you.. lol

  2. Cancer

  3. my ex husband is an Aquarius, his b-day is January 21st,  he was and I think will always be a cheater

    I am a Taurus my b-day is May 10th

    Good luck with your research sounds interesting

  4. Only been cheated on by Sagitarrius...I'm a Virgo and I dont cheat I just tell you we're not exclusive or leave...

  5. Yes-Many times-He was an Aquarius

    I'm a Virgo-I don't put a lot of faith into Zodiac signs,but this one was surprising as I checked out some others.

  6. Was married to both an Aries and a Sag.  Both cheated;  the Aries much sooner,  the Sag much later.   In each case, after I found out, I cheated too.  Typical Leonine trait to say "I'll be true as long as you and not a single moment after"....?

    Am currently married to a very loving and true Cancer.

    In my own observations, I think your list is correct in claiming Aquarius & Gemini as Low.

    Good luck with your survey!  :)

  7. I am a Scorpio and I cheated physically(Libra) as well as emotionally(Pisces), i tend to get bored =/ .  I know , I know bad habit.  My ex was a Libra and i dont know if this is considered cheating but he watched a movie with one of my ex bff's (Aries) and they just held hands.  My grandma cheated on her Libra husband , shes a Taurus.  My friend and her boy friend cheat on each other all the time, girl- Aries, boy-


  8. Rather than look at Sun Signs, a better way to approach this subject is to look at the relative positions of Neptune and Uranus to Venus in a person's chart, and what sign Venus is in.

    Venus indicates how we relate to others in close one-to-one relationships. This can include close friends as well as lovers. As a couple of examples, Venus in Gemini might indicate a person who likes light, breezy relationships with a variety of people. Venus in Cancer would indicate a person who tends to mother but is very loyal. Venus in Capricorn might be more practical and to the point than romantic.

    If Uranus forms easy, positive aspects to Venus, the person likes unusual and offbeat relationships, but this does not necessarily imply cheating.

    If Neptune forms easy, positive aspects to Venus, then the person likes very idealistic, spiritual connections.

    If Uranus forms hard aspects to Venus, it suggest unusual and disruptive relationships, with sudden changes.

    If Neptune forms hard aspects to Venus, then lies and deceit  and exaggerated expectations can lead to trouble in a relationship until the person learns to live a more spiritual and centered life.

  9. I was cheated on by a Gemini and a Libra.  I am dating a Sagittarius now.  And he has yet to cheat hopefully he doesn't.

  10. Well, I'm not sure about this, but I'm willing to humor the idea.

    Here's a list of signs of people that I know that have cheated (and I'm staying anonymous naturally but honest because I believe in fair results when it comes to experimenting).

    I know two Libras who have thought about it. One reluctantly did it.

    I know an Aquarius that has.

    I know 2 Aries that have.

    I know 3 Geminis who have as well.

    And my two aunts cheat on their husbands all the time (I know). One is a Libra, the other is a Scorpio.

    There is one Scorpio I know who cheats ALL the time, but he's kind of a man-w***e, so I don't think he considers what he does cheating.

    However, the most chronic of cheaters I think I've ever known in my entire life is one person who's been dating my friend for a year and a half. He is probably the biggest of cheaters ever, and I seriously think he has a problem. He is a virgo.

    Oh, and Brad Pitt is a Sagittarius. *shrugs* Thought that might help, haha.

  11. gemini

  12. I got cheated on by a scorpio. But i cheated to and i'm a virgo. So i guess that site is wrong.

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