
To anyone who has read Brave New World Anthem and Feed or any combination?

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i must write an essay comparing Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Anthem by Ayn Rand, and Feed by M.T. Anderson. I already read the books but i am having a difficult time comparing the three. if any one would give me some similar characteristics it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I've never read FEED, but I think I can give you a few for BRAVE NEW WORLD and ANTHEM.

    Both BRAVE NEW WORLD and ANTHEM are set in futuristic socieities; for BRAVE NEW WORLD, 600 years in the future (632 After Ford); for ANTHEM, the setting is not specified but we know that it occurs in the future.

    Both novels have themes that deal with community, identity, and stability versus the individual. In BRAVE NEW WORLD, this is quite obvious with John the Savage; in ANTHEM, the same is true for Equality 7-2521.

    In both novels, the individual is controlled and regulated, and his fate is largely determined by others. This is true in both the society of BRAVE NEW WORLD (whose citizens are brainwashed from birth) and ANTHEM (whose citizens have their jobs, among other aspects, decided for them).

    That's about all that I can think of off the top of my head. Hope that it maybe helps.

  2. I have not read Brave New World, but there are a number of on line study guides that can help you with this question.  Isolate characteristics in Brave New World and apply them to the other two novels.  Look for similar sites for the other novels.  Additionally, many questions have been asked about Brave New World here on Yahoo Answers so do a search for it in the Y!A search window and you will get more help.  Have a look at these sites, and you should get some help with your work.

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