
To be, or not to be Organic? ?

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I find almost everything from food to bath towels that are made organically!

Do you look for or buy products that are organic?

Let me know!




  1. I do but in moderation. I don't buy things I don't need just because they are organic. I don't fall for overpriced items - I'm willing to pay a few cents more for food, but not for items that are only overpriced because of the "chic" factor. And I try to research the claim for accuracy, as of right now there's very little definition or control on what can be labeled green, organic, or eco-friendly.

  2. Generally no. It really depends on what it is.

    I've found that a lot of organic labelling is mis-leading. The enviromental impact is either reduced so minimally or it may even be worse, its just not taking place in the desinated area (eg. a crop is not treated on the farm but it is after it has been harvested & transported). Sometimes it requires more energy which can be more damaging than the pesticides etc in the long run (think global warming).

    I have recently noticed that coffee beans that are offered by places like McDonald are calling themselves in alliance with rainforest management (not necessarily organic but it is an example of what I mean), but if you think about it a little they still need to clear the forests & as a marketting tool they are hoping that more people are going to buy it, therefore they need to clear yet more...

    As far as organic produce goes, you're better off growing your own. At the end of the day they taste much better, there is minimal transport & it costs just as much, lol.

  3. In many cases, the organic products you are buying may actually be worse for the environment. Organic crops are far more land intensive and require much more effort on the part of the farmers. And then, much of these organic products are no better for you than the regular old non-organic products.

    If you are buying out of some back yard garden, organic is not necessarily bad, but large scale organic farms are not good for the environment. These farms do not use hybrids, so they require more water, more fertilizer and more land to produce significantly less per acre. There is no health benefit from buying organic either.

    Many so-called organic products are not actually organic. In fact, many "green" products are mis-labled. Just because something says all-natural on it, does not mean that it does not contain harmful substances. Remember, arsenic is a natural substance too and arsenic is not good for anything (including people).

  4. Everything that is organic is usually more expensive than the not organic version of the same product. However everything that is organic is usually better for you and or better for our world, so if you can swing the extra cost it might make you feel nice to be doing something good.

  5. Absolutely not

  6. NO as it is a lie.. I lived in Ecuador for 12 years ,The apples was organic grown and looked so terrible I would not eat them. Every bug had laid it's eggs in it and it had warts all over it. That is true organic...  

  7. No.  It is much too expensive and there is no real proof that it is better.  There was a recent news story in Northern VA about how Whole Foods stores got their "organic" food from China and there are no real controls to be sure that these "organic" foods are really organic.

    Now, locally grown food is great because it is fresh and typically tastes better because it is picked when is ripe.  

    Bottom line, Some people really believe in organic while others - like me - do not believe there is much difference.  If you feel better buying organic, then go for it... enjoy!  Nothing wrong with it.

  8. Depends on the product.   Organic fruits and vegetables are important because the non-organic ones are heavily sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals that may or may not be good to eat.  Bath towels, forget it.

  9. I buy organic where possible. In the summer it is easier as we have a lot of local farms that sell organic foods. Organic is more expensive and sometimes the additional cost is worth the product.

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