
To be a ballet dancer is it in your blood

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The reason why I ask is because my great grandmother was a very good ballet dancer when she was a child.She danced with Robert Helpmann and was even chosen to be on stage with Anna Pavlova, she just did some poses in the background.She was given a stage name,we have all her press clippings.Anyways I would love to take after her and thats why I was wondering if it is in your blood to be a dancer,I just auditioned for the Australian Ballet School.




  1. No, it does not need to be in your blood, and if your grandmother was a good ballerina, that does not mean that you will automatically like it. But if you like to dance, then go for it!

    (I just got autographed pointe shoes of Alice Topp, Australian Ballet, for a present because my siblings went to Australia!)

    Hope I helped.  

  2. No I don't think so, you can learn ballet anytime you like and it has nothing to do with heritage, it's just that sometimes people can learn ballet easier and are born more flexible than others if that's what you mean, but no, anyone can become a ballet dancer. It also depends how much you practice at home and whether you really care about ballet. The more you practice and dance, the better at ballet you'll be.

  3. You often take after your parents in physical make-up, so graceful parents often mean graceful children. That ability needs to be nurtured, of course. If you auditioned for ABS you're obviously nurturing your talent, then, and that is really what you should be focusing on. After all, it's your own body that you're controlling. I wish you all the best in your future and it would be amazing if someone could take a photograph of you at a recital and framed it along with one of your grandmother's.

  4. dancing is all about your heart and soul if you really believe in waht you do you really will be amazed on what you can accomplish so just stick with it never give up no matter what anyone says and practice practice practice its up to you not your blood

  5. no no and no! balle dancing can be something that some is good at. as an differnt person you are you might be good at soemthing else, i guess you could be come like her with something called practice and i mean alot of it and enjoying it and happy to be doing it, so yea nothing like that is in th blood

  6. not really.

    if you are good you are good.

    mostly its something you need to work at to get good at.. but some people are just born to do ballet.

    but just because your ancestors are great dancers doesn't mean you will be great without effort.

  7. Firstly - good luck with your results from the audition! I really hope you do well! :)

    I think to a certain extent things do run in your genes. It is also to do with how your raised. So nature and nurturing combined. There has been a lot of research into trends that run in families as such, whether it is in fact nature (genes) or nurture. So your question is not really unique. People have been asking it for ages!

    I think that in your case it is both nurture and nature. You can't deny it, you have been raised to admire your grandmother and her ballet history. In turn, you have probably learned to love ballet. Dance could also run in the family through genes or something. It seems as though you, your mother AND grandmother all have a gift for dance. Something that could be interesting is to find out about your great grandmother, and other women in your family tree.

    With me, i personally am a very good runner (sprints and long distance.) My best race is 400m, which i discovered before i even knew my own grandmother was a very very good runner and her best race was 400m! My family is also musical (my cousin plays piano, my auntie sings and used to dance, and im pretty sure one of my relatives is a song writer...) and i have a complete love of dance.  

  8. Yes and No.

    My grandmother was a dancer as well. My mom hated it but she was a cheerleader. I loved jazz, tap, ballet, and gymnastics. It helps when you have someone close to you that can share their experiences with you.

    But if it's something that you want to do and you don't have any history of it in your family or what not, then it just takes time, patients and practice!

  9. I LOVE Anna Pavlova! I did a huge report on her last year!

    I don't think it's in everybody's blood. For some it is, for some it isn't. I think everyone in this world each has a strong passion for something....and that something for some of us just happens to be ballet.

    I actually had an aunt who used to do ballet. My dad did it for a while but then quit at a young age.  

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