
To be counted as unemployed, one must:

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A) have had a job previously.

B) be actively looking for a job.

C) have had a job before and be actively looking for work.

D) be out of work.




  1. An unemployed is any person of legal age, with or without graduating from college, who is actively looking for work.

    Letter C is the best the answer.

    A - the person may not be looking for work

    B - the person may be employed but he is actively looking for ANOTHER job

    D - the person may have retired already; the person may not be looking for a job (e.g. the spouse can support him/her)

  2. B) be actively looking for a job.

    "A" - false because you may become unemployed right after university, thus without working previously.

    "C" - false because "A" is false

    "D" - false because you should be looking for a job in order to be counted as unemployed.

    Though formally B&D would be more correct answer - but stick on "B".

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