
To be shot in a dream...?

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I had a dream that i was shot with an old fahioned rifle like those used in WW2, yet the soldier was very much a modern day soldier,rest of equipment was state of the art,military machines of today surrounded me also i was in a very modern urban area,a concrete jungle if you will.What was most frightening about this dream is that i could actually feel pain,it was intense when the bullett entered my chest but i just remember thinking it wasnt that bad a pain,and i could think of more painful ways to die(weird i know),that was my dreamself actually thinking that not myself when i awoke.saying that the pain in the dream was nothing like i ever felt in real-life,its was like a ton of bricks hit me and an extremely cold sensation where the wound was.I dont know if i ended up dieing in the dream i ended up waking out of it pretty quick

can any interpet this for me?





  1. Well Don't Think That, That Will Happen A Lot Of People Think That Death In Your Dreams Means That But All It Really Means Is That Your Life Will Change.

  2. As for your being "shot" dreams.  Sounds to me like someone (or a few others) are shooting you in the back.  Talking behind your back or basically not true friends.  The fact that it was also in the head area leads me to believe they are playing mental type games, saying one thing but in reality thinking something else and doing things behind your back to hurt you or try to stop you.  (Somethng maybe a co-worker would do perhaps).  This is probably your subconscious telling you to be careful and watchful of others.  Keep your friends close so you can watch them closely.

  3. Shot

    To dream that you are shot, represents a form of self-punishment that you may be unconsciously imposing on yourself. You may have done something that you are ashamed of or are not proud of. If you are shot and come back as a different person, then it indicates that you to start fresh. You want to wipe the past away and literally become a new person.

  4. that means ur prolly growing. i don't know how, but ur body overnight is "conentrating" in growing, so your brain is, like, working extra hard to keep up with the dream, and the growing. its normal.

  5. Your dream, undoubtedly frightening because of its lucid quality -- i.e., you are aware within the dream that you are yourself, conscious beneath a state of unconsciousness that you are experiencing the actions of the dream.  OK, now that I have that psychobabble over with ... I have several interpretations of your dream of being shot:  (1) that you could be having delusions of persecution in real life (Is there anyone after your job, your spouse or your lover, etc.?); and (2) that you were shot in the chest in your dream (really, that was a nightmare) could mean that someone close to you recently broke your heart or is about to, or that someone hurt you emotionally quite some time ago but with such depth and precision that your heartbreak feels fresh.  As for the World War II angle, I am wondering if you had watched any wartime films within a few months of having this dream.  Because dreams should never be taken literally, I would like to discuss the military angle of your dream.  As if getting shot isn't violent enough, there was a WWII context to your dreamscape experience, which makes me think that (if you are a guy) someone recently has challenged your masculinity is some context.  Ask yourself if you feel sometimes that you do not measure up -- and, no, I don't mean in terms of the size of your genitalia.  I am talking about your stature within your family, community, at the workplace, etc.  Do you get teased by your buddies when all you are trying to do is the male bonding thing? The strain of trying to conform to society's mores is placing stress on your heart.   If I am way off with this because you are a lady, then the WWII aspect of your dream could mean your father or some other male figure (such as a boss/manager) is trying to intimidate you, is sexually harassing you.  Or you could be grappling with jealous women at the job, in your community or even within your family, and the stress is making your blood pressure rise.  Whether you are a man or a woman, I would suggest you schedule a medical appointment with your primary-care physician soon, and find out if you can get a full blood workup.  It also would be a great idea to buy (if you don't already have one) a digital blood pressure monitor.  ... Now for some empathy:  About nine years ago, when I was experiencing difficulty coping with office politics (catty women spreading unfounded rumors more foul than a neglected litter box), I had one of the scariest nightmares ever.  I dreamt that I was walking through an airport, on my way to the boarding line, and I was stopped for no apparent reason.  Suddenly, all the people previously milling about froze in place, and I was set upon by several men.  It was as if my luggage magically disappeared and in an instant I was on my back on the cold floor.  This was a lucid dream, by the way, so when the men's hands produced hammers and nails, I saw the torture coming.  I wiggled but could not stop the men from hammering a nail into my hip -- just on one side.  When the nail (it was a rather large nail) went through my side, just above the pubic bone, I felt the horrific pain in my dream.  I yelled in the dream and upon awakening.  In the dream, I was being crucified.  The men had extended my arms in the manner of Jesus, His Crucifixion.  But my nightmare had nothing to do with any delusions of grandeur in real life -- i.e., I didn't think I was Jesus.  LOL  No, the meaning for me (what I thought after the dream and for years after it) was that I was being taunted at the job by miserable people who wanted me to feel the same.  However, my current interpretation of the crucifixion nightmare is that I was extremely horny.  I had been celibate for five years -- at that point -- and  had a fervent desire for a man to penetrate me.  Now, that doesn't mean I wanted to be impregnated by God and, hence, a Second Coming (no pun intended).  No, I simply wanted to be sexed up in the worst way.  OK, I need a cold towel right now!  Uh, sorry to digress there, but the good news for you , dreamwise, is that you will never dream of getting shot again.

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