
To become a lifeguard do you have to be able to dive? ?

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I want to become a lifeguard.

I am a good swimmer, have taken CPR classes & am physically fit.

The only problem that i have is that i cannot do a dive.

Anyone know if this will restrict me.

Also, any tips on how to do a dive?




  1. yes what will happen if you need to dive into the water

  2. You'll have to dive, not because it's a requirement by test, but because it is obvious you are not comfortable with the water.  Spend more time swimming and it will come naturally.  But, toe the line and lean forward.  It's like doing a sommersault.  

  3. I was a life guard and I couldn't do the diving thing either. As long as you can save someones life that is what is important  

  4. No, my brother is a lifeguard for the YMCA, and he rides a bike to work.

    The only problem you'll really have is just getting your ride to and from work easily, now. : ]

  5. I am a Lifeguard and I do not think that diving is a requirement, however, it is a good thing to know. To start, sit on the edge of the pool, point your hands out and touch them together. then just lean forward and do a sitting dive. work on making a small splash. once you master this, move on to a kneeling dive. same concept, just while kneeling instead. finally, move to a standing dive.for this you will want to curl your toes over the edge. stretch out your palms and place one hand over the other. hold your hands at around chest level with your elbows bent. bend forward over the edge, bend your knees, and leap forward. you are aiming for being horizontal, then, while in the air, bend further forward and push your hands out in front of your head. you want to straighten out your knees and keep your feet together. your hands should hit first and your toes should be last to hit the water.  

  6. i dont think so, lifeguards jump in to keep there eyes on the victim.

  7. Yes you do need to be able to dive to become a lifeguard.  It's not hard to learn I'm sure you can find someone to teach you fairly easily.  A few tips I would give you is to start just on the edge of the pool and practice going in vertically, pointing your hands and then work your way up from there.  Good luck!!!!

  8. DIVING is WAY easy! And no, none of the training involves diving but it sure can help.

    First go to a pool with a deep end. Next sit on the deck with your feet in the water. Next lift your arms in the classic diving pose. Now, while looking at your bellybutton roll into the water. (looking at your bellybutton keeps your head down and keeps you from busting your keep your head down until you are underwater.)

    After you try that a few times and feel comfortable, try it kneeling. Kneel at the edge of the pool with one foot with the toes over the edge of the pool. With the same arm and belly button technique push with your back foot and roll into the water. After that is done comfortably try it with both feet next together and keep the same arm and bellybutton technique.  After that task is achieved try it standing again, but take ONE step and then go into the dive!

    You'll be diving in NO TIME!  

  9. I'm not positive, and it probably varies from place to place but I know for sure one way to become a lifeguard: take the swimming classes at the local pool, the last one lets you become a lifeguard.

    I'm sure lifeguards need to know how to dive. What if a person were drowning and sinking?!

  10. I think that it might be a proublem, before they pass you they have to make sure you are a really good swimmer and that may show some weakness, so i would just keep practicing so there is nothing to worry about.

  11. yes..what if a person was drowning and you can't reach them right away and by the time you do they would be starting to go under water?

    If you wanna learn how to dive, here are the steps for doin that:

    1- Stand at the edge of the water, keeping your legs and back straight.

    2- Hold your hands together above your head palms down, keeping your arms straight.

    3- Squeeze your head with your arms, and don't bend your neck.

    4- Bend your knees and lean forward so the tips of your fingers are almost in the water.

    5- With your knees still bent, keep bending forward and jump into the water. Try to keep your neck, legs and arms straight as you are entering the water.

    6- Keep your body under control at all times. make sure your arms are always pointed, your body is going in straight, and your legs are together. Make sure your body is perfect, as this will avoid awkward situations.

    Some tips:

    1- If at first you don't succeed, try diving from a kneeling position at first. It's the same idea, but you're not as far from the water.

    2- Once you can dive this way, try pushing off earlier and bending as you're in the air. This will let you get farther in the air and make your dives more graceful.

    3- Sometimes it might be easier to "fall" into the water. Remember, diving is all about having fun, so don't get miffed if you can't do it the first time!


    1- NEVER dive in water that is less than 5 feet deep!

    2- Be careful when diving from smooth surfaces, as your feet could slip.

    3- If you don't know how to dive, don't try flips. They take a lot of practice and you can sprain or break your neck unless you know how to do them.

    4- Be sure to only dive in waters where you are comfortable swimming.

    5- Have proper instruction and supervision if trying new dives.

    6- Try and avoid belly flops. If you do belly flop, just smile and try again! They do hurt, but as long as you keep your body under control going in, you should be fine.

    What you'll need:

    1- Confidence.

    2- A sense of fun!

    3- Water.

    4- A swimsuit would be best.

    5- Determination.

    Best of luck =)

  12. If you take the course to become a lifeguard, you'll learn everything you need to.

  13. No, there are certain types of jumps you have to do. You have that floating thing that says "Life Guard" on it, and you can't dive with that. You also have to keep your head above water at all time to watch the victim, so there's no diving involved. You'll have to learn the ways to get into the water, though.

  14. Yes, that's kind of necessary. But it's usually just from the side of the pool. Just hold your arm's pointed in front of you above your head, bend your knees, tuck your chin under, and spring a little into the water, but almost letting yourself fall. the tips of your hands should break the water first. i hoped that helped! its kinda hard to expplain

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