
To become a paranormal investigator, what classes do i need to take?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend want to become paranormal investigators..

Are there certain classes we have to take for it?

if so please tell me, we really want to become a PI




  1. No classes.  No certification.  Just get the equipment and your good to go.  If you pay anyone for lessons just remember there is no accreditation for this and you are paying for experience with no guarantee that that experience is any good.  Good luck

  2. You can get a degree in it, only 4 colleges that have a course to get your PHD in it, however as a hobbies just buy basic gear for it and start out at historical places.  

  3. no. there are no classes where you can learn how to be paranormal investigators. how ever there are classes that could an asset. one is psychology. another is any class where you learn how to use technology.

  4. There are no classes to take but many websites offer a home study course and certification. Keep in mind that a certification just means you are certified by the people offering it and that only means you took their course and have passed a test and have learned their theory. One such course is offered by Flamel college.

    Another one can be found here

    This is just two examples of the many websites that offer paranormal training. the cold hard fact is that you do not need any of these just start investigating and develop you own theories and then you will be able to offer your own course. That is all any of these people have done.

    The field of paranormal research is a hobby not a career. Those few who earn a living doing this thus becoming a professional do so by selling books, videos, home study courses,and have made a name for themselves and they give talks on their experiences in which people pay to hear them talk.

    Keep in mind this is not a science but a popular belief.

    Also keep in mind that most investigators do not charge to do an investigation. In fact most will warn against it because they feel if you charge then you are giving the impression you will be able to get rid of a ghost.

    People tend to feel if you charge then you are a Freud looking to make a fast buck, so most do not charge for these reasons.

    Read this article and it may help you get started

  5. ask and ye shall recieve, Y!A had an advertisement on your question's page, paranormal courses online, only 20.00, it's like christmas, pennies from heaven, kismet, whatever.

    Now, people will take you seriously!

  6. You don't need any courses, you can start as small as just a digital camera and a inexpensive digital voice recorder for capturing EVP. Check out our site we have some free articles you can read that may help. Anyone trying to charge you to be a "ghosthunter" is ripping you off, walk away.

  7. You don't need any classes. Anyone who says you do is trying to make a fast buck. Just find yourself a good local group like I did. You'll get all the training you need from those with experience. If you're near metro Detroit, look up the group I'm a part of.

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