
To buy or not to buy....?

by  |  earlier

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i once had two died just now...(i feel guilty...)...

and now i had only one left with me.He is just 3 months you can imagine he is fairly young and needs a companion...i am thinking of two things to do:

♦i will buy another rabbit to accompany him.i plan to buy a rabbit as old as him to make sure they'll be friends while still young...

♦i will buy another rabbit after some time.i think this is the right thing to do.i will let my rabbit be with me until he grows up.when he reaches maturity,i will buy him another rabbit as old as he...

so which should i do?buy him another companion while still young or wait till he grows up...?





  1. Depends on what the first rabbit died from.  Did you take it to a vet?  Does the animal get any fresh air, sunshine?

    If not, then perhaps you should give him to someone who can provide the time and resources necessary for healthy living.

  2. sorry to hear about your rabbit,

                                                I would sugest to get a rabbit while it is still young this way you can bond with it easier and so can your remaining rabbit because if you get another rabbit when your rabbit is older it might not exept it in to your home and if you get a rabbit now it will be verry good company for your rabbit

                                      Hope i helped

                                                        Ashlie x

  3. Your second option really doesn't make much sense. Why is it important for the rabbit to only get a companion once he reaches maturity? Or is it just a grieving period for you?

    Ideally, there is no reason to wait. The rabbit will probably not grieve himself since he is young and has not bonded with the other rabbit too much, but socializing with other rabbits is also important for a rabbit's development. It would certainly not be a bad move to get another rabbit now for him to grow up with one. But again, if you feel you must wait until you are ready for another one, then by all means do that.

    One thing though, please do not buy a rabbit. There ar plenty in shelters getting put down. You will be a good person for saving the life of one. And in my experience, you will not really need one his age. You can get an older one that is known to be friendly with smaller rabbits. Just as long as she is spayed.

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