
To christians who listen to contemporary christian music or any one else willing to give heartfelt answers?

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This is from a song by Jeremy Camp;

Would you take the place of this man

Would you take the nails from his hands

Would you take the place of this man

Would you take the nails from his hands

What does this mean to you? I have been finding out lately what it means. I always pictured pulling the nails out of His hands when I used to hear it but now am experiencing that what He wants is for me to be willing to suffer for His sake and to take the "nails" even from those we love and who love us. Any thoughts on this? Anyone have experiences of this too in their walk..I sure could use some incouragement tonight. Going through the day is a battlefield of thoughts of just quiting because it hurts so much and it may not even matter to them anyway. But the Spirit is fighting for me and urging me to continue..but God it hurts so bad and this is not my usual behavior. It really hurts because I know how God feels now when He sacrificed for love for all of us and when that love is rejected. Please give me prayers I need them right now.




  1. I am happy that you are experiencing God's sustaining strength and pray that you will continue to do so.

    I recall this song and wondered if it posed the question as if to ask if you were willing to take the nails in your own hands as a sacrifice of love.  That would ask a lot, wouldn't it?

    God bless you as you seek to live for Him in the face of difficult times.

  2. I always thought that it meant that when we try to do things ourselves in our own strength we are like taking the nails out of His hands and putting them in ours.

    Along those lines, put your burdens in His hands.

    When you need an uplift, find someone in a worse state then you are and help them out. It does wonders. It gets your mind off your problems and allows God to work in both your lives. I'll pray.

  3. Are you willing to give your life to gain it. Would you take up your Cross like Christ did.  

  4. I am familiar with the song and have to say that I think the intent Jeremy was after was that truly, none of us would take the place of Christ even if we could. It's a humbling thought and can help shift the focus from how much we are hurting to how much it cost Christ to love you.

    I realize there are people in our lives who are difficult to live around, love, minister to...but when we understand how little a sacrifice it really is, it can help us live out our faith with a more compassionate heart and a more generous dose of grace.


  6. I never thought about it but I think you are right and I will remember you in my prayers today. Good luck and be well.

  7. my prayers are totally with you! If you haven't read The Shack you may want to think about it.  It is a very touching story that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ and understand the Trinity better.

  8. your in my prayers,but remember."This to shall pass."nothing last forever here on earth.whether its a fight,a struggle to stop doing wrong or just a will be ok.god knows the future.stop trying to do his job.he never opens a door until he closes another,but always allow the holy spirit to guide you.thats his let you know when your wrong or the sitution is wrong.try and stay clear minded.

    people think we can be christ like ,but still be like the world.i think is that an example to sinners or the world.nobody is perfect.not us christains.even though they always tend to think were supose to be holyer than thou c**p.

    well i got news for ya.were flesh just like you and the only difference is when we do wrong/sin we ask the lord to forgive us and were supose to move on.the devil doesnt want you to move oon.he will only bring up stuff that he knows that upset you.

    the devil only can see and hear.he may not be the smartest creation from God(hense,he got kick outta heaven.) ,but hes smart enough to know what bothers us.God knows your heart.thats all it matters.hang in there.satan wants you to give him.through the grace of God you can and will overcome whatever it is your going through.tell the devil that his time is near and there isnt anything he can do about it.he knows you have a chance to go to heaven if you live accordling to the bible and he doeant want that.

    hes trying every trick in the book to get you to fall.if he had his way.once he gets you to fall he would kill you so you will be in h**l with him.he knows you have a chance and hes running outta keep that in mind aswell.

    Godbless and this to shall pass.......:<)....  

  9. I love that song, but they lyrics have always confused me. I thought maybe it was a rhetorical question asking if you would be willing and able to do what Jesus did (to which the answer would have to be no). Reading your interpretation, however, I think you are right. Sort of like "take up your cross."

    Jesus warned us that we would go though hard times and feel discouragement. But he also said he would not leave us, nor forsake us. He will never give you more than you can handle.

    I will be praying for you. God bless!

  10. My interpretation is quite simple. I feel that this symbolizes the fact that Jesus took our place on the cross. He died so we don't have to. He took our nails, so that we would wouldn't have to "die". :)

  11. Some things are difficult to go through, but we need to be ready to give a defense for the faith that is in us, and care enough about those who don't know salvation through Jesus, that the Love of God will draw them to Him. Our lives are the witness through which others will see God, if we live our lives for Him.

    Remember this:

    2 Timothy 2:10-13 For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory. It is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him;  

  12. I could not take the place of this Man, I could not pull the nails from His hands. What it shows to me is that to take His place, or to pull the nails, would take away His love.

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