Firstly, card-counting is very hyped up and absolutely nothing like the get-rich-quick scheme you see in movies. Typically expert counters gain at most a 1 to 1.5% edge over the casino with ridiculous variance (high variance means you can win or lose bundles overnight, you only see a 1% profit over hundreds of hours of play).
But that being said, of course no casino wants to have players gaining any edge over the house. That's why casinos use 6 or 8 mixed decks to make counting cards a lot more difficult.
However, why not just use 2 separate decks and deal poker-style: shuffle one deck with an automatic shuffler while dealing the other? This doesn't make card-counting harder, it makes it impossible, and since one deck's shuffled while the other is in play, this method shouldn't add on significantly to the dealing time.
Certainly if I can think of this, casinos must have thought of this, so what's wrong with this plan?