
To controll your dreams?

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When I dream.. whatever I dream about I can controll it. I can do what I like and it will seem like real life and it's amazing. Like say if I dreamt about being on top of a cliff I could suddenly jump off and fly and it feels so real!

But any tips on how to actually chose WHERE in my dream I am and WHO I want in it? Becuase I cant actually chose where I am, I can just controll what I do in that place and with those people.

It's possible. I know it is. My friends tell me about it but they cant explain.

Anyone get any tips?


Chloe xxxx




  1. Yeah, it's called Lucid dreaming. There are many techniques you can use to induce them in order to prolong or make them seem more realistic.

    Try this website for more info:

    Good luck.

  2. it's called lucid dreaming. it is possible to be able to control everything when you know that you are dreaming.

    you are very lucky to have this ability. just believe and picture everything you want and you will have it.

    you can search it up on the internet. many will come up

  3. Well I had this crush on a guy (not telling who!) and in my dream  i was looking for him. I kept telling myself that he HAD to be there and he WAS going to be there and then he was! Convince yourself of it and maybe you can convince yourself to maybe do something crazy like say smething like 'I think there is a magic wand around here somewhere' and if it comes, you have the power!

  4. we can change what goes on in a dream if we have phschic abilities...i would say you have very good direction in life,know what you want and it follows you even in your dreams...

  5. omg the EXACT same thing happens to me in my dreams! its so awesome =P

    and i dont think you can control WHERE and WHO is in your dream. Thats something your concience decides.

  6. Try talking about it to someone right before you go to sleep and think about it until you are out.  There's a good chance that it will be in your dream.

  7. Weird

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