
To cut or uncut? I need help

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In my family, i am now the only one left as uncircumcised, my father is circumcised when he was 13 yrs old(he told me that) and when my older bro and i were born, he wants us to think for ourselves if we prefer to be cut or uncut. At 18, my older bro decided to be circumcised and now that he is 22 and im 18 i feel pressured that i should get cut coz theyre cut too. what should i do




  1. keep your f******n, I did not have much sensitivity in mine till I restored what I could of my f******n, getting cut gradually reduced sensation in the glans, your brother may be fine now but what happens after 20-30years

    if you don't want it cut don't do it, there has been no medical evidence that justifies the harm done

  2. That's just rediculous... you needn't get circumscised just because your brother or father is.

    If they make you feel pressured, then tell them you have decided that you are going to wait another ten years and consider it again then.

  3. cee u  tee cut , cut mean CUT.


    Okay, no more messing around, be honest. Are you male or female? And are any of your circumcision-related questions genuine?

  5. to cut or to uncut that is the  question???

    well cut cause ur s*x life will be much pleasurable when ur having s*x the skin wont split so no pain!!! and u don't have to pull ur skin every time u want to pee for not to make a mess

  6. I would suggest you to go for cut. It will keep you cleen look nice and more healthy for s*x.

  7. You have to make that decision yourself.

  8. You shouldn't do it at all just because your brother or your dad did it. Why would you want to have it done? What do you think is going to be so good about it? Also why do you want to have surgery for something unneccesary that you don't even wqant that much, every surgery has a risk is it really worth it?

    And no offence, but as a woman I would think it a bit strange that a guy decided to get himself plastic surgery on his p***s at 18....

  9. Don't do it. Adult males lose 15 square inches (40 square centimetres) of skin in circumcision, over half the skin of your p***s. You lose the gliding action as it slides on itself during masturbation and s*x. You will suffer bruising, perhaps some bleeding, and the swelling from the disruption to the lymph system goes on for up to six months. Removing the f******n turns the surface of the glans from an inner mucosal membrane to outside skin. Newly circumcised adults usually go through some weeks of intense discomfort as the glans is constantly exposed to rubbing on clothing, until it develops a thicker keratin layer and becomes less sensitive. You must abstain from ALL sexual activity for an average of six weeks. Some men like the final result but others complain of loss of sensation and miss being able to slide their f******n over the glans. Circumcised guys often have little or no movable skin left and are forced to m********e using lube or rubbing dry, without the loose skin. There is no going back if you don’t like the result.

    A recent study has shown real differences in fine touch sensitivity between circumcised and intact penises and that the most sensitive parts of the intact p***s are those that would be removed by circumcision.

    The claimed benefits of circumcision are a beat up (based on flawed studies) and don't really exist but medical authorities have worked out that the overall complication rate is higher than all the benefits claimed by the pro-cutting advocates. One by one the claims are disproved but the pro-cutting zealots come up with more and keep quoting the old ones despite the evidence against them. For example you have more chance of dying from a circumcision or losing your p***s from infection than from penile cancer. The rate of penile cancer is higher in the largely-circumcised USA than in European countries where less than 1% of the male population is circumcised. Plus circumcised men have been found to have penile cancer, mostly on the scar. (Remember this is a very rare disease in intact or circumcised men).

    A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32. About 40% were circumcised. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference.

    Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes. A few intact males have problems with tight f******n but this is only a tiny proportion of intact males. The condition can now be almost always treated with simple stretching exercises, sometimes in combination with a steroid cream that speeds up the process.

    Many women who get to interact sexually with an intact p***s prefer the natural state. Don’t do this to yourself just to fit in. Be proud of your whole and natural body.

  10. It's absolutely unnecessary mutilation. Don't do it.

  11. Keep your "heart-center". It's all yours to play with.  You have 100's of nerve endings at the tip of your p***s. You will lose that sensation if you are cut. You are only 18 and young.  Enjoy s*x in your life with your f******n. There are millions and millions of men with f******n like you.  s*x is so wonderful and release is so explosive with f******n. The sensation gets better too.

      The other cut males are missing alot.

  12. actually its a lot better to get cut.. for hygeinic and safety purposes.. besieds, the f******n sometimes gets in your 'way'

    but whatever you prefer might work..just as long as you enjoy everything...then cut ir unct.. youre good ^^,

  13. I was circumcised at 18 and would do it again in a heartbeat! It is cleaner, healthier for both partners and looks much better! The antis will post that there is some great loss of sensitivity and that is all BS! When my sons were born (1&3) I had no hesitation to have them circumcised as I know there is no downside, only a lifetime of benefits!

  14. Your brother was foolish to have elective surgery on his p***s without a medical reason.

    After being circumcised for a while, having an erection will be a completely different experience. Your skin will be tight, immobile and much less sensitive and your head will dry out and lose almost all of it's feeling. You may be able to last longer since you'll be so numb.

  15. No reason to do it just because they are. After all, aren't male family members the people least likely to see your p***s etc?

    Have you spoken to them about it? Many men aren't happy with the result of circumcision and they regret choosing the decision. I think you should research it thoroughly first. Most men report a loss in sensation after the operation - which makes sense as they remove sensitive skin. Doesn't your f******n give you pleasure? If you're having no problems with it, keep it.

    It's none of their business though especially now you're an adult and if I were you I would keep the skin.


  16. Whichever you prefer. Bad hygiene sometimes makes circumcision imperative, but if you keep yourself clean, I don't see any reason to get circumcised. : )

  17. i would highly recommend not getting circumsised.  i, myself, am cut but i wish i weren't.  you lose a lot of nerves and sensitivity when you remove that skin.  many people will claim the a circumised p***s is cleaner and more appealing.  if you take good care of yourself and practice good hygiene, you'll be fine on that issue.  as far as apperances go - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  

    if you do decide to go through with it i would highly recommend discussing the procedure in length with the surgeon.  make sure you discuss what result you want.  DO NOT get a "high and tight" circumcision.  <~this is what they're doing to most kids now and it's horrible.  they cut so much skin off, that there is no pliable skin to maneuver around the p***s.  these men will always require a lubricant to m********e.  it's much more enjoyable to just use the excess skin.

    good luck. i think you'll make the right decision for you :)

  18. I would say definitely don't do it.  Joining in with the rest of the family is no reason for not thinking for yourself.  It's your life.  Your p***s was designed to do a job and removing part of it will prevent it from working properly.  A natural erect p***s has a lot of loose skin that makes s*x much better for you and the woman.  A circumcised p***s is like a ram rod.  The f******n prevents the lubrication juices from escaping from the v****a and it covers the ridge around the gland at the end from causing discomfort for the woman.  The f******n keeps the end soft and full of feeling.  You often hear talk about how much hygienic a circumcised p***s is.  These people obviously have problems with that thing called washing.  If a person is unwashed they will still have an unclean p***s so what's the difference?  In the end it is your decision whether or not to have your p***s surgically modified but your p***s was designed to do a job of work and it does it best when it's fully intact.  Keep that f******n and be proud of it.

  19. If you are happy being uncircumcised and do not have any medical issue requiring circumcision, do not have the procedure done.

    Do not feel pressured to under go such a radical procedure. Its your d**k, you're the one that has to tote it around.

  20. If your folks left you intact so that you could decide for yourself, who is putting pressure on you?  You did not mention any chronic problems you've been having so I assume there aren't any.  If haven't given any reason that would justify having the surgery.  Are you putting this pressure on yourself so that you will be like the rest of the family?  there's always a risk with any surgery, so if you're healthy, don't do it.  BTW, I'm circ'ed.  

  21. if the skin is removed there won't be anymore sweet sensation , the f******n is the one that can really let you feel the true sensation of s*x when you actually do it , and what for waste your time in removing something that you don't need to be removed

  22. I got circumcised at 19 and regret it! I urge you to keep your f******n!

  23. Why subject yourself to medically unnecessary cosmetic surgery?

    I wouldn't do it.

  24. This is something you should take a lot of time to think about.  You should pretty much know by now if you like being uncut or not.  I myself love being uncircumcised.  Love how it looks and feels.  I've also heard that a lot of circumcised guys would like to be uncut.

    Maybe you could find a way to use tape to hold back your f******n so you could imagine what it would feel like to not have one.  If your really that unsure maybe you could wait until your 25 or so.  No hurry at all.

  25. i think u should, its like a thing that goes thru the family plus on the bright side it makes it look bigger ROFL

  26. Obviously you don't want to get pressured into something like this. It's a preference that you should decide based on what will make you feel better either way. If you don't want to get cut, then don't. If you do, it's not that big a deal and it's better to get it done sooner than later. The thing to do is to talk to people who had it done as an adult and ask their experience - meaning your brother. Does he prefer it or did he wish he hadn't done it.

    I got circumcised as an adult and definitely prefer it. It's cleaner, healthier, no more smegma, no more smell, feels better and frankly looks better. Personally I see no reason why not to get it done. However, there are obviously lots of uncut people in this world who are perfectly happy. Either way, don't feel pressured to get it done or to not get it done. Then make your decision.

    Good luck!

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