
To drive or not to drive in the name of a dui?? Ice covered roads and a 45 minute drive to take a dui class..

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I have to take an alcohol education class because I got a dui. The class is twice a week for a month. If I miss 1 class then I have to start over the next month. I cannot get my license back until I complete the class.

So, I live in KY and we are having a pretty good winter storm here. It snowed last night and has been raining and needless to say forming ice all day.

My question to you is: should I drive in the ice 45 minutes to go to this class and risk wrecking my car or stay home and take the class next month??

I know this is silly to ask on here but I have been debating all morning and need some outside input.





  1. how could you drive to the place if you get your license back after you complete the classes? depends on how badly you want your license back i guess to answer your question. be careful driving and NEVER drive under the influence again!!!! good luck

  2. Call your case worker or the instructor.  I am sure that they would rather have everyone be safe instead of risking it and driving to your class.  Maybe you will just have to make that one class up or something.  Tell them what kind of weather you are experiencing and see what they say. Make sure you are considerate and thankful to them while you are speaking.

  3. You said you can't get your license back until you complete the course, so how can you drive in the first place?  That being said, you should call the place and ask.  They may agree with you and stay home themselves.  It's not worth getting into an accident.  No matter how careful one is, icy roads are very dangerous and  the car can swerve on a patch of ice.    If they won't let you stay home, then I would forfeit that license for another week. At least you will be safe.  Good luck

  4. yeah i'd stay at home. if you know there's ice on the road, you'd be lucky if all you get is a totaled car. it's not worrth it. just stay home invite some friends and drink some more hehe

  5. Be smart call and reschedule the class, there is no reason you should take any chances and worsen your situation and good luck.

  6. dont risk it.

    call and reschedule and be alive.

    no more drinking and driving, you deserve to live a long and fruitful life.

  7. Is public transportation in your area. That would be safest. Or just stay home and call instructor.

  8. as long as you call them and let them know about the roads, you shouldn't have any problem. I live in ky also and I'm not getting out for nothing

  9. Call the instructor and ask what to do.  They may give you a pass or reschedule the class.

  10. The roads here are pretty good, they are slushy at the moment.  If you are in Louisville, anyway.  I know that some points South did get heavier snow.

    I suggest calling the police, or DMV and find out about it.  See if they cancelled the classes.  Possibly, you could call the government building that holds the meetings, they should be able to give you the proper information,

    Good luck with the class.

  11. Call the instructor or the school. If the weather is that bad they may not even have the class.

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