
To early to lunge a 1 yr. old horse?

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i was wondering is it to early to lunge a 1 yr. old horse and possibley do paralli??





  1. If you do I would be easy...Not long times, possibly 20 mintues or so...  Walking your horse would probably be better.  His bones aren't fully developed yet and can't take the hard work yet.

  2. I personally wouldn't do puts a ton of stress on the immature joints to move in circles at anything more than a walk.

  3. light lunging would be the best (walk, trot)

  4. Yes, one year is way too early to lunge.  WAY WAY WAY too early.  There is nothing a yearling needs to be doing that involves repetitive stress on its joints, as in circles.

  5. no... but dont go hard at it.. ease him/her into it. only about 10-15 minutes a day... start just by walking and then increase the gait. work your way up.. good luck

  6. I start doing ground work with my foals around 6-8 months. Its good to start training early.

    It helps build respect and easy to correct habits.

    Do light work. Do inhand ground work. with calavettis.

    email me for ideas

  7. I;d just do ground work, little things, no lunging. Keep him working but never ever work him too hard. He's justa baby, but it's always nice to start babies early.

  8. starting ground work with a yearling is a good idea, but not for long periods of time. the first time we worked with our yearlings we had them going 5 min each way at walk or trot and that was good enough. other things to try and do with them at an early age that will help them down the road is grooming, picking up feet, and hair cuts!

  9. i think you should wait untill hes at least 2 and then do jst 20 min walk and mybe trot and build it up also sorry i dont know hahaha

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