I am not talking about getting permission to have a baby or anything like that. Let's say, from puberty all women have contraceptive implants and then they are replaced every 3 years (e.g. implanon). I would say equally for men but there is no similarly reliable product currently on the market, save for a vasectomy. Condoms would be freely available, like those guys who hand out free newspapers.
That way, the only people who would get pregnant are those who CHOOSE to actively remove the contraception or do not renew it after the 3 years are up. No more unwanted pregnancies, no more accidental babies, oh I don't know who the father is, Jerry springer situations.
It WOULD NOT BE COMPULSORY, so if for religious reasons or whatever you could opt out. In the way we are all vaccinated they should do this.
I stupidly got pregnant. I was a graduate, not a young girl but I guess I did not realise it was so EASY to get pregnant with people so vocal about being infirtile. My little one is the light of my life now but the timing was so wrong. I am not blaming anyone, or trying to abdicate responsibility but just suggesting that the default position should be that people do not just get pregnant without actively chosing that possibility.