
To everyone were my symptoms for my BFP?

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I am 11 dpo and I just tested a few hours ago. It was the most amazing thing to see a bfp. Anyways this time I tried sooo hard not to keep exact track of my dpo and symptoms but this is what I remember.

1-7 dpo: Nothing at all

7-11 dpo: Very dizzy, sometimes I would have to just sit down on the floor until the room stopped spinning. Hungry like I usually am when I pms! Craving for milk, really whole milk but I only drink 1%. Couldn't get enough of milk or chocolate. More sleepy than ever. I usually wake up at 6 very easy and I love it, but this week I couldn't get out of bed before 9! It felt like pms, just 100 times worse! Cramps before my period was due, that was a first! Sore b***s like usual. A slight headache, I never get headaches. And I was always hot and sweaty!

But I missed my period today and I am always reguar. So we went out after my hubby got off work and got a test and it was positive!

Honestly I know my body very well, but this week I have felt like I had the worst pms ever. I thought I was pregnant, but I have said that for a few months now.

Baby dust to everyone! I hope this helps anyone in their dreaded tww!

Thank you so much for all of the support the last few months!




  1. Congratulations!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing!!!  Congratulations and Best Wishes!!  Here's to a wonderful 9 months and a May delivery!!

  3. Tell that baby to stick! Congrats on your BFP. H&H 9 months!

  4. Congratulations!!  Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

    I am 7 weeks pregnant and STILL take pregnancy tests.  That positive line always makes me smile and puts tears in my eyes LOL  Dork, I know but still ;)

  5. How exciting! I hope I get the same symptoms this month. I've finally gone back to a normal cycle after Depo last year, and have been TTC for 7 months. One more week till ovulation for me!  I am excited, and I'm sure there will be lots of dancing in my house. lol

    Good Luck with your new baby I hope it grows big, and healthy!

    **Baby Dust to the rest of us still waiting**

  6. CONGRATS!! Have a happy and healthy 9 months!!!

  7. congrats! happy and healthy pregnancy to you!

  8. congrats honey

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