
To everyone in the UK...?

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This question is for the UK (Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England)

Does anyone else think that UK television is English dominated?

We are constantly hearing about things that are happening in England (and sometimes Wales) but I think that Scotland and Northern Ireland are completely ignored! As i live in NI i find this very annoying and hate that I have to watch and hear about things are going on in England, when most of the time they don't affect me at all, only those in England.

I have nothing against England or the English but i just think they dominate tv prgrammes, news etc and see themselves as the only important country in the UK.

Anyone agree?




  1. I think in that advert you described it would look strange if they showed EN, SC and WA and then northern island.

  2. everything does seem to be England, and mainly London dominated on the TV, but there is 50 million people in England and only 10 million people shared between N.I, Scotland and Wales, so the TV is going to be bias to a certain degree because of the importance of Viewing figures.

  3. Don't forget, people in the north and west of England also tend to think that UK television is London-dominated!

    If it's not fair to the English regions, then your point is going to be even more true.

    edit: " a map of England, Scotland and Wales. Why isn't Northern Ireland included in things like this? "

    Now that's going to be a little politically sensitive...

    Show the whole of Ireland, as though it was still all part of the UK? Or just show Northern Ireland, and "vanish" the rest of the island?   Not the easiest of choices: almost a certainty to offend someone as, indeed, leaving NI out completely does as well!

  4. Because more people watch in England than the rest of the Isles I guess.  

    I've always found the UK to be very London biased too, but that's why we have regional TV and regional news.  I always like to watch both so I get a glimpse of the world, then the region I live in.

    But if you think NI are left out - imagine how they feel in the Falklands and St Helena etc...........many people don't even realise they are part of the UK at all!

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