
To everyone that replied to the dog eating clothes question,that was my 8 year old daughter asking that,shes?

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learning to use the net 4 school and wanted to use this site to further her knowledge,she asked the question,not me,and she was a bit upset over some of the snide remarks,she types like she texts,and the ones who gave the smart remarks about talking italian?,are ignorant.




  1. What the h**l are you doing allowing your 8 year old on here!!!!! Shame on you.

  2. your fault for letting an 8 year old on here in the first place when you know that you get dumb *** answers you moron

  3. 13 years and up on here!!!! And why the heck does an 8 year old need a cell phone??

  4. She should start to learn how to type correctly.  Texting is different (and what the heck is she doing texting at 8???)

    Encourage your daughter to write properly and clearly while on the computer - it will help her greatly in years to come.

    If you are going to allow her to post using your name, know that there will be all sorts of replies that may not be suitable for a child.  Is there a similar site that has been "sanitized for you protection" for under 12's?

  5. If you don't welcome the criticism, keep her off Y.A.The site is meant for over 13yr olds, and NO-ONE was to know she was only 8. I haven't seen the question, and didn't answer it, but it annoys me immensely when there is a perfectly good spell checker, and people refuse to use it. At least show her how it's done before having a go about the answers!!!!

    Edit... I have just read the question, and think you should start by teaching your daughter how NOT to speak.

  6. Your 8 yr old should not be on YA!

    As a parent you should know that.    As a parent you should always monitor your child's internet activity.  

    This forum is for parents to discuss parenting of grade schoolers.  There are other places for children to play, this is not one of them.

    Your child needs to learn that typing is not the same as texting, and from your post she is not going to learn it from you.  There are such things as periods and capital letters after all which make a paragraph much easier to understand.

    So instead of bashing the people here, look into the mirror and see what you could have done differently to protect your daughter.  Letting her play unattended on the internet will lead to far worse things then being accused of being Italian.

  7. Have you read some of the questions and answers on here??!!!! This is not a school playground,  an 8 year old shouldn't read or hear what goes on sometimes! There are questions of a sexual nature, about giving birth, domestic violence, and stuff she doesn't need to know....grow up and be a responsible parent!  What the h**l is she doing with a mobile phone too? At eight yrs old! Jesus!

  8. Wouldn't it be nice if we could always blame our "kids" whenever we asked an illiterate question on here? I doubt you have a daughter.

    IF you do she doesn't belong on this site nor does she need a cell phone for texting. How ridiculous. Grow up.

  9. I am truly not attempting to be rude when I post this answer...

    but this is why answers is meant for people 13 and older is so that the younger people don't read answers they shouldn't.

    But i'm sorry people were rude.

  10. This is an excellent opportunity for you to teach her why there are age limits and why she should stick with the children websites. YA, is definaletly not for a 8 year old.  I mean look at some of the topics.  That is unless you want her exposed to these type of things and no telling what kind of people.

  11. This is not a place for a 8-year old to gain any knowledge, this is an adult forum (mostly) and you guys should research a more structured children's site, i wouldn't let my kids on this one.

  12. Yes shame...not a place for an eight year old as there are a lot of morons on here who answer questions that should not be seen by someone of such a tender age. She will have plenty of time to grow up without exposing her to this forum.

  13. An 8 year old who text messages?  You have to be kidding me, right?  Get off the computer and teach some values to your kids.  That's very very sad.  I feel sorry for your kids.  What a glorious future they're going to have.

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