
To everyone who has had Thai food! It's about soy sauce.?

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Okay, so, I'm having a bit of trouble planning out my weekend.

If one of my best friends goes, we're not totally sure if it's okay going to a Thai restaurant

She doesn't like soy sauce, from her experience with Chinese food, but she likes fried rice, which I'm pretty sure has a bit soy sauce, doesn't it?

She said like the soy sauce packets - so, maybe she doesn't like it when you have to dip it in?

We plan on going here for dinner, if everything goes well.

I haven't had Thai food in a long time, so, yeah.

My older sister said there's a little soy sauce in all Thai food...

Is it even a noticeable taste?

She loves noodles & I remember pad thai being a lot of noodles. I read the description of pad thai to her and she said it sounded good.


Just about soy sauce and thai food if you somehow followed that all...




  1. thai red curry would be the dish for her

  2. Fish sause is the main sause they used in thai food

  3. thai food doesnt use much soy sauce, they use fish sauce

  4. 1. Don't bring your 'best friend' that doesn't like soy sauce, she's probably been having 'bad' soy sauces.. Those packet ones aren't EVEN soy sauce.. Check the ingredients, I've probably seen about 80% of the packets aren't even made from soy sauce..

    2. If you HAVE to bring her, tell her that soy sauce is not noticeable in Thai food.. But if she insists on not having any soy sauce in her meals, request for no soy sauce from your waiter.. They'll usually just replace them with salt..

  5. There is such selection t will be easy to avoid soy sauce. I would recommend ordering Pad Thai. You can usually order it with veggies, chicken or shrimp, no soy sauce and wonderfully tasty.

  6. Don't worry about soy sauce.  Thai food has lots of sauces, and there's a little soy sauce in lots of Thai food, but it's not strong.  Get a curry dish, or phad thai, or phad prig king gai.  

  7. Wow....if she doesn't want to go, I do. LOL

    They have quite a menu.

    I have not been to Vongs but I can tell from the menu that it is upscale and will not be anything like typical Chinese Food.

    Definitely go there and enjoy!

  8. I sooo much love Thai food and i can say  that thai and chinese are different. Right now i'm cravin for some!

    Dun bring the picky eater with you. She's not open to new flavors and new experience.

    If you really want Thai, then go for it! Life's too short to be hampered by soy sauce. oh i love soy sauce, light and dark, etc etc

  9. I wouldn't worry too much. Chinese and Thai are very different. And the Thai do not use much soy sauce, if at all. If you go for at curry dish then there is no soy sauce used and the Thai use Fish Sauce for saltyniess/dipping/sprinkling rather than soy sauce.

    However, you may want to ask your fridend if she is able to eat spicy because good Thai food is very spicy.

    Personally I wouldn't consider the picky eater too much. I think she needs to grow up and eat what is being served. Sounds like her soy sauce issue is just an excuse not to try more Chinese. My cousin used to hate Chinese food. Then his fiancee took him to China and we all laughed at how he would survive. Now he loves Chinese and is pleasant to have for dinner, as he now tries everything. Just a matter of choice and exposure. Don't give the picky eater too much attention then she will just dwell on it.

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