
To fans of Monopoly(Board Game)?

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Any ideas to spice the game of monopoly up? In terms of speeding the game up?? Like rules..or adding something in particular...

Not to forget everyone must still have fun after implementing the 'spice'....= )




  1. One way to end the the game of Monopoly in a sensible amount of time or if you have somewhere to be at the end of the game is to set up a time frame in which the game is played. At the end of the time limit, count up the money, value of property, etc. One with the most money wins.

    Another way that I have personally used is a rule that if you go to jail by any means twice, you are permanently in jail and all your belongings are transfered to the bank. This rule can be changed if the other players do not agree with the limitations of going to jail to a much looser rule.

    Another way, which I don't personally use, is to limit the amount of rounds of around the board. Once everyone is done, follow Step 2 of the time frame limitation.

    Hopefully these tactics will help with your time problems and keep the "spice" you were looking for - M.F.

  2. The first thing you can do is make sure you are playing by the original rules.

    Most house rules that are added for 'fun' actually make the game go on forever, killing any fun there was to begin with.

    Here are the main things to remember:

    - no money under Free Parking. Ever. Not a penny.

    - If a player lands on an un-owned property and does not buy it, it goes up for auction from the bank. There is no minimum bid.

    - If you land on Go, you still only get $200.

    - You can build houses/hotels any time.

    - There is a limit of 32 houses and 12 hotels. If there aren't enough houses for you to build up to 4 houses, then you can't build hotels, even if you have the money.

    - You can trade any time with anybody.

    - To un-mortgage a property, you must pay the mortgage price PLUS 10% to the bank.


    Just doing that should reduce a 4 player game to under 2 hours. If you play with the official 'short game' rules, you can get it down to 90 minutes.

    Those are:

    - deal 2 property cards to each player at the start. Players must pay immediately.

    - the game ends when the 2nd player goes bankrupt. The player with the most money (including properties and after selling all houses/hotels) wins.

    An even better solution, mentioned by another poster, is to play Settlers Of Catan. It's similar, but 1000x better.

    Acquire is also a better alternative.

    Have fun!

  3. There are a lot of ways that you can speed up the game.  Depending on how long you want to play, you can shuffle the property cards and deal them out to all the players.  You can give them each 3 or more (more if you want a shorter game).  You can determine a set amount of time to play the game and at the end of that time, whoever is worth the most (money, property, houses, hotels, etc.) wins the game.  You can start the game with more or less money.  There are a lot of "house rules" to Monopoly that you can implement to make the game go faster.

  4. go to monopoly's website and seach short game. It is and official way to play, and basicaly in the begining of the game you shuffle allthe porperty cards and hand out a set number to each player and then you play, by already have properties it is much faster

  5. Hmm...spicing the game up - you could try Strip Monopoly!

    If people can't afford the rent, they can pay with an article of clothing, instead of mortgaging their properties to raise cash.  After a few rounds, a new game could develop...

    Is that too spicy?

  6. Deal out all the deeds.  Do all the trades.  Travel around the board once before buying houses.  Put all money from taxes, fees, fines, etc., on Free Parking and the one who lands on it gets all the money.  The person sent to Jail must pay $50, and go on the next turn.

  7. If Monopoly is getting a little too long or boring, try a different game.  Check out something like "Settlers of Catan".  It involves trading and building an "empire" just like Monopoly, but is a far superior game.  It also plays much more quickly than Monopoly (60-90 minutes).  Check out pictures and get more info over at

  8. A game of Monopoly is traditionally played until all but one player has gone bankrupt. The last person standing is then the winner. However, this is not according to the original rules of the game. The original form of the game, and the way it is played in tournaments, is for play to continue until ONE player has gone bankrupt. After the bankruptcy has been dealt with, play then ends, and everyone counts their assets. Improvements and unmortgaged propertiies are counted at face value; mortgaged properties are worth nothing. The player with the greatest value at this point wins.

    I have a few ideas to streamline the game and make it a little more fair for all, not to mention making it more interesting. These rules mainly revolve around how mortgages are treated and how bankruptcies are processed.

    1. Each player starts the game with $500 instead of $1500. The $500 bills (according to the written instructions) are not given out. This makes the game more challenging, because you can't simply buy everything you land on at the start of the game. Players will have to make some difficult choices when deciding what to buy. Although it looks like this would slow down the game a lot, it really doesn't. This will add about five minutes per player on average.

    2. If a player lands on an unowned property and decides not to buy it, it does not get auctioned. It simply stays in the bank for the next player who lands on it.

    3. Only properties that are unmortgaged may be sold to other players. Since the bank would logically use the property itself as collateral when you mortgage it, mortgaged properties may not be sold.

    4. Unmortgaged properties may be sold back to the bank at any time for half their original value, much like improvements.

    5. The interest rate of 10 percent on mortgaged properties is paid not just when the principal is paid off, but each time the owner of the mortgaged property passes "Go." Players will think twice about mortgaging those properties unnecessarily, or to buy that coveted property he or she wants!

    6. When a player goes bankrupt, the bankrupted player is not out of the game. Instead, the player starts the game over. The player is given $500 in starting money and the player's token is placed on the "Go" space. When it is this player's turn again, the player takes his or her turn as though he or she had never moved. Play continues as normal.

    7. If a player goes bankrupt to another player, the other player does NOT get all of the bankrupted player's assets. Instead, all of the bankrupted player's assets, including money, are turned over to the bank. (Remember, the bank owns all mortgaged properties. A player does not go bankrupt until all of his or her properties have been mortgaged.) The bank then pays the other player the full amount owed in cash. Each property of the bankrupted player is now for sale to the first player who lands on the appropriate space and pays the price for the property.

    8. Each player should keep track of his or her assets at all times. Mortgaged properties are worthless. All other non-monetary assets are worth their original purchase price. The first player to reach a certain amount in assets, and can prove this fact, is immediately declared the winner. This amount should be at least $5,000 but no more than $10,000. You can adjust this amount depending on how long you want to play.

    Enjoy! - LJS

  9. Russian Monopoly? It's a bit like Russian Roulette but..err no, on second thoughts maybe this isn't the best idea

  10. Ability to trade property for money/other property at any time, unless you do that already.

    Otherwise, you may consider starting everyone out with more or less money, or charge more for rent, or cost of property.

    Maybe add a couple chance cards of your own.

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