I just got this filly, and she is severely underweight. About four months back, I had a TWH gelding who was in the same condition...I fed him grain (Omalene 100), and supplemented him with corn oil, DuMor Weight Builder, Trifecta, and Red Cell- that horse is now at an excellent weight and is very healthy and happy. I've decided to do the same thing with my filly, and have been putting the supplements in her feed since last Sunday. She LOVES her grain, and cherishes her corn oil, but anything with Red Cell on it, she refuses to eat! She sifts through her grain, and leaves about a third of it behind, because of the Red Cell. So my question, should I continue to feed it, even though she's only eating about half of what I give her, in protest, or should I just 'nix it', because the other feeds I'm giving her are enough? Help!