
To fellow Scorpio women??

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Do u guys like being committed to one man?




  1. Scorpio is a sign known to go to extremes, and yes like every sign, scorpios enjoy affairs--but they don't usually stay in an "affair" for too long (say more than 2 months) before moving on to something else, if they are not interested.  But if a scorpio is still around (even when the waters are getting murky.....I would say esp if the waters are getting murky--b/c that is often when a sign will make an escape from an entaglment that does not interest him/her--then that is probably a sure sign that he/she is interested).

    But yes, scorpio is fixed and deep, so they do prefer to be committed to one person, but (with maturity), cautious about making a real commitment (which is a good thing I think).

  2. Emmm... that's kinda putting me on the spot here. Don't girls usually dream of that one knight in shining armour who will come to sweep you off your feet? I know I do...

    But I would not - ever! - hope to see myself committed to one man, simply because I made him a promise, whether or not I really love him. If I love a man, I find it no trouble at all to stick to him. When I don't love a man, temptation is always around the corner.

    *edit* That being said, I'm not the most faithful of women around. True, when I love someone deeply (which isn't as frequently as you would think) simply my need to meet other men vanishes - I've more than enough with this man so why should I need any more? If I'm with a man whom I don't love... at all, all bets are off. Unless he threatens me - in technicolour detail - with what will happen if I *do* cheat on him, I'll probably be too scared to do it, but the urge would definitely be there. Again, that being said, I *am* honest to that man if I don't love him, and in not so many words tell him that he would be better of with a lady who does love him.

    So probably as the only person being completely honest here, no... I certainly do NOT like being committed. The knight in shining white armour is just a dream and dreams are meant to be the opposite of reality.

  3. Always hits by mind,body and nature,there are sweet poison,hard poison,and soft poison,which poison you want to need from Scorpio women?

  4. If I'm in a relationship with a guy, then I would never cheat. But, if a guy is trying to talk to me or other such shallow non-relationship stuff then, i'm open to anyone new.

  5. hey oddball whad a u do for $$$ you need to meet all us scorp. women in one room and say THAT!!!

  6. Yeah, if I'm with someone..key word 'One'..I'm with that person. If I'm tired of that person..then I would rather break up then cheat.

  7. Yes. I would never dream of cheating on a guy. Once I'm with a guy I like they're the only one I want. :)  

  8. Yes!  I usually just focus on my (one) man and expect the same from him.

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