
To fly an aircraft for the air force you must be really smart huh?what are the requirements to be a pilot?

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To fly an aircraft for the air force you must be really smart huh?what are the requirements to be a pilot?




  1. First and foremost you are required to have a 4 year college degree.  Preferably in an area of engineering, physics, or other science based area, but not required.  A degree in History or English meets the requirements just as well.  You must also pass the flight aptitude tests administered by the individual branch of military service and demonstrate the leadership qualities neccesary to earn a commission as an officer in the US air force, navy, marines, or army.  There are many other requirements, including physical, but these are the basics for the cerebral aspect.

  2. Below is a link to an article about being a helicopter pilot with the military.

    There is more money to be made as a civillian pilot for airplanes or helicopters.

    You may also want to check out

  3. ok if u want to be in the air force you must have 7 o levels and 3 a levels in english math physics.

  4. Go to college, join the air force rotc (or navy), and do well - you will be rewarded - there is a min/max height&weight and vision requirement.   once you are through rotc, you apply for the job, and if you are picked, you become a pilot.  you are competing for the job...just like any skill job - you don't have to be really smart - astronauts are really smart - but you have to be a solid decision maker, get solid grades, and keep your nose out of the "c**p"

  5. Just go down to your local Air Force recruiter and tell him: "me want fly airplane" and he will sign you right up and give you the keys so you can take a test drive.

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