
To get horses to run faster, why don't they have a giant lump of sugar on a track ahead. Like greyhound hare

by Guest56302  |  earlier

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Horses like sugar don't they? So in addition to encouragement by the jockeys could you not have a large sugarlump carried on a track ahead of the horses to spur them on further and faster?




  1. Haha stop smoking that joint it'll make you go crazy!!  Perhaps they should do the same for long distance runners but have a pint of beer whizzing round the track  Or you could get some really drunk blokes to do a race and have them chase a kebab around a

  2. Dogs don't have riders.  Dogs love to stop and chat.  Greyhounds love to run, but they don't particularly care about going in the same direction as everyone else, and an itch behind the ear is more important than running around acting stupid.  The fake hare gets them to run, and all in the same direction because dogs have an instinctive need to chase hares.

    Horses also would stand around if they could, and even if they decided to run it wouldn't be at the same time or in the same direction.  But they have riders.  What they don't have is any particular interest in chasing anything.  But they love to get away from whips.

  3. wow thats all i have to say o and also sugar really isent that good for horses and they want the race horses to be in shape so...

  4. Dogs are predators so their natural instinct would be to run after something to eat.  Horses are prey so running after something would not be instinctive.  Horses naturally run fast especially when the horses around them are also running.  Once they have been trained they understand that they should run to get to the front.

  5. O ya that would be a great idea!!!

    especially since horses are known to have a basic instinct to run full speed after flying sugar cubes

    No. its not

    plz go do something constructive

  6. because not all horses like sugar and it gives an unfair advantage to those who do.

  7. What would make you run faster?

    A sugar cube hanging by a string from the visor of your baseball cap?

    Or some one smashing your @$$ with a whip every two or three strides you take?

  8. They use a rabbit for the dogs

    this is very silly question

    horses will run fast because thats what they where bred for

  9. Cause it would to long to change the image of the industry.

    Horses are a symbol of doing a job that gives the best value to man and the horse.  A horse should have more of desire to run than to run after a lump of sugar.

    Maybe also cause, dogs hunt, and horses work.  So it makes more sense to have the dog chase a rabbit.  Luckily for us, its a rabbit and not a cat. lol :)

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