
To girls only- have you ever fallen asleep driving and can you describe how it happened in detail?

by  |  earlier

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I am curious. And did alcohol play a factor???




  1. A girl I know fell asleep and this happened...

    She was just tired.

  2. It was one of my worst days ever. I wasn't driving, but my boyfriend was. We had gone out to dinner for my birthday on a Friday. I mention this because we were both tired from work. We each had 1 drink, plus dinner. We both fell asleep 2 blocks from our home. We were in his big old Cadillac. We hit a utility pole. No seat belt on( this was A very long time ago.). He cut open his lip. I thought I was fine. Got to the hospital to get him stitched up. The doctors took one look at me, started doing all kinds of test on me and before you know it I was in intensive care with a messed  up spleen and a kidney. I was in the hospital for 10 days and healed OK on my own. I never forgot and will Never drive if I'm tired again.

  3. Yes.  

    I was woken up at 4am, my friend needed a ride to work (he had to be at work for 5am).  He ran over to my house, then we got into my car and I drove out there with him.  I dropped him off, and felt pretty okay - I was really alert during the 20 minute ride TO his work place (it was out of town), I suppose because I was hyper aware that I was tired and was trying to be alert.  

    On the way back, I blinked (it seemed like I blinked) but when I opened my eyes I saw a fence rushing towards me.  I crashed through that one, then through the one about 10 feet behind the first.  I finally stopped in a mudhole, and had to climb out the driver's side window to run back to the road for help.

    I caught a ride back to my friend's work and noticed that there were black skid marks for about a quarter mile along the pavement.  Apparently I didn't go right off the road when I fell asleep, and thank goodness no one else was on the road at that time.  

    I wasn't hurt at all, and alcohol in no way played a factor.

  4. No I have never fallen asleep but have often felt like I was on the verge of it, that was usually at night or early hours in the morning and alcohol didn't necessarily have anything to do with it.  I would hate to imagine what would happen if I had fallen asleep

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