
To go OR not to go? That is the question...

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Should I leave or stay?

My dad past away(2005) and I've been by mom's side ever since. I take care of her when she is ill( she has herniated discs in back). I also care for granny who is blind, and bedridden. I did 2 years without working and I got a part time job in 2007. I'm doing great at the job. However, I'm running out of steam.I changed my work schedule. I come home at 11pm and by the time I'm done helping mom and granny its 4am. I work evenings 6PM to 10PM). I have my older bro, sister in law and nephews living with us. No one helps with caring for granny. To me if someone even just feed her and I would change her when i get home that would be awesome! But no one does that when i get home every sits and chills out. I barely have time for me, i rarely have time to study ( I want to go back to school). I wake up exhausted, go to work tired and come home tired to do more work and got to bed even more tired.I'm scared that I wont have a chance to even try to make my goal come true

Is time for me to pack up an leave?




  1. Don't leave!

    I know your tired and upset but you can't leave your family.  they need you!  How would you feel if you were granny and had no one to care for you.  This is tough though and you are probably all worn out.  School is important to.  My advice ask other family members for help.  Take a day off.

    Good Luck!

  2. No.......continue what you are never know what God has planned for you........

  3. Tough!

    Don't leave just yet. I think you need to let your brother and his wife know that you love your family very much, but need some you time too and would like to make something of yourself.

    Education is very important, but I also understand that your family is too. You need to ask them to help you out. You still have sometime during the day so many you could try to go back to school then and work evenings.

  4. no u definately shud not leave bcoz ur granny relly needs u!

    i kno  and can understand ur situation!

    talk to ur brother and make him understand that if his children does something like this to him wen he gets old then wat?

    if u can afford then try keeping a maid for ur granny and make sure she only does grannys' work!

    all the best and trust me u doin a gr8 work!

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