
To go goa in midaugust has one to make train ticket early.?

by Guest58307  |  earlier

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i have heard that there is a huge waiting list.




  1. Actually there should be no rush then but as Ganesh Chaturthi is on the 3rd of September there may be a rush as a lot of people go to Goa for a holiday in that time.

    Book early and play safe.....

  2. It is better to book the tickets in advance as it will be difficult to get the tickets at the last moment.

  3. By mid-august the the so-called off-season is getting over but in fact there is no off-season for Goa. But due to mistaken belief people secluded during rains start running to

    goa. It is therefore advisable to get early and advance trains to-fro reservations confirmed.

  4. August is off season for goa and tickets are no problem you can travel by konkan railway or you can travel by volvo

  5. Yes ,better to book in advance/ also for stay in a good hotel.

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