
To guatemalans and central americans...there is a restaurant by my boyfriends' house.. I woud like to try it

by  |  earlier

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but dont' know what to ask for.. what is good? help please... I am Mexican American and don't know anything about those foods...they have things like pupusas, and sopa de mondongo.. dont know what any of that stuff is.. help




  1. Hey just try every thing. I am Chicana and when I go out to visit another country or what ever I don't go to a Mexican restaurant, I try the local dishes. Just have fun and discover another flavor of life!!!

  2. try the pupusas i love those! my mom makes them all the time.

    some of them taste different my mom makes them home made so i dont know how they are going to make them there but you should try them.

  3. you wasted 5 points


    FAILED to mention  what country or your city..

    HA HA


    Should I check back to see if you edit

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