
To have another child or to not have another child...?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am 23 and have two awesome little girls. I've worked most of they're lives and recently had an opportunity to stay at home with them .. and love it! My husband and I said after our second daughter that we wanted to try one more time for a boy. I know that the decision is ours and ours alone but I thought I'd get some advice from other mothers who have been in my situation. I know theres never a perfect time or age to have children and money will ever be in abundance for us but where theres a will theres a way! :) So if theres anyone out there who has a couple of kids and made the decision to have more... was it what you really wanted, is it harder with three kids...etc. Again this is more for entertainment value than anything and I have already prayed about it and put it in Gods hands... so just humor me!! :)




  1. i am a stay at home mom of three boys and one girl and i love it some times i would like to go running screaming pulling my hair out  but thats because i have all boys my little girl is not with us all the time hubbys from first ady friend. as for it getting easyer it never does no matter if you have 1 or 20 some how you will all ways make the money to live with one person working do not let money get in your way of having more babys if you able enjoy all your babys and if you deside not to have any more then put all your love in to the girls you have best of wishes and good luck  

  2. Well, I think you're doing the right thing by leaving it to God =) Remember, Jeremiah 29:11 says that He knows the plans that He has for us!! And no matter what the situation, He says that He will never leave us nor forsake us. So if it's money that's the issue, He'll provide a way. And each little one is such a miracle, so I'll be praying for ya!

  3. You said you want to try for a boy.  What would you do if it was another girl?  My husband also wanted to try for a boy after our two daughters, but I just wanted another child.  We're in pretty much the same boat as you.  I worked full time until my 2nd was born, and then part time.  We're expecting our third in 3 weeks, and yes it is a boy, but it would have been fine with another girl too.  Only you know whether you should have another child or not.  Leaving it in God's hands is a bit of a cop-out though, especially if you're not using birth control!  If that's the case, then you've already made your decision.  Someone told me that if there's even a slight doubt in your mind that you're not finished, then you're not finished.  My husband always wanted three kids as there's three in his family, but there's four in my family, and I don't know if I'm done having children yet.  As long as we can afford them, and fit them in our house, I'm not ready to say enough!  Maybe working part time is an option for you too.  I earn enough to put my 2nd in daycare for a day while my first is at school, and if I didn't have those few hours to tidy my house and catch up on laundry, I wouldn't consider another one.  You need some sanity time!  That's as important a factor as money!  Good luck either way.

  4. you deff have enough kids for being 23

  5. ur barely 23. 2 is enough for a young age. you should wait until ur 2 daughters grow up a little and go for another.

  6. if you can afford to have another one, go head, good luck!!!!

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