
To have or not to have?

by  |  earlier

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For those who have children, why did you have them? For those who don't have children, why not? (Obviously if you're too young to have children, that is the reason why not...but I mean 'older' people.) Or for the younger you plan to have children? Why or why not? Just curious...




  1. My reasons were selfish, I was raised in an orphanage,,adopted as a teenager, but just did not have the family tie feeling... I wanted my very own family....and extension of love you feel for guide, direct, teach and trust in the future...thank you

  2. I'm 23 right now.

    I can honestly argue right now in a naive way how I would love to have kids right now.

    I want a man first.

    I have realistic expectations.... not saying I'll be with my "baby daddy" for the rest of my life..

    But the whole relationship thing and having kids are two seperate issues, even though they're related somewhat..

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