
To have the most impact when using e-mail you should structure your messages so that?

by Guest21525  |  earlier

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To have the most impact when using e-mail you should structure your messages so that?




  1. 1. The subject is most important line of your message.  The goal of the subject should be ONE THING --- to get people to open the message.

    2. The initial headline of the message has one goal - to get them to read the introduction.

    3. Your email must have a strong offer and high perceived value incentive.  If it looks like a hard pitch it will be discarded.

    4. The more segmented your lists the better.  Women, men, ages, income levels, etc. should all be taken into consideration.

    5. Consider dividing up 30% of your email list into parts and sending a slightly different message to each part of the 30%....  Measure the effectiveness and then use the winning message for the 70% remaining.

    6. Your message must have a strong call-to-action.  Tell people exactly what to do next and that doing so is not going to hurt them.  

    7. Use credibility indicators such as "security certifications" and such so that people know you're not a scam.  BBB, hackersafe, etc. helps.

    8. Personalized messages are more effective..  The salutation and close should use the person's name if possible.  Scrub your data so this doesn't break and make you look foolish.

    9 Send your messages Tuesday - Thursday.  Never on weekends or Mondays or Holidays.

    10. Hire the best copywriter you can afford.  Yes there is a difference between writing decent and writing well.  It's worth every dime to hire a pro.

    11. Make sure you have measurement installed on your email campaigns so you can tell what's working for next time.

    Scott Clark

    Web Marketing Strategist

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