
To health care professionals. what goes on in your mind everyday when dealing with patients? routine thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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I just want to know a typical mental routine that you may use as a health care professional. I am a lot more curious about pharmacists and what goes on in their minds when they make a decision towards a patient.




  1. I'm an anesthesiologist, and when I do a case, I think the whole thing through before starting.  Each one is different.

    I think about the best type of anesthetic (spinal? general?), the safest way to accomplish that, intraoperative issues, postop pain management, airway concerns... the list goes on.

    Before each case I run down my quick checklist:

    machine, monitors, suction, airway, IV, drugs - just to make sure I have all the stuff I need.  Hold over from residency days.

  2. In health care there is no such thing as a routine never know what's coming your way .

    And pharmacists don't make the decisions..The physician dose .

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