
To high schoolers 10th grade and up ?

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I'm a freshman , and I was wondering if you guys actually pick on freshman , and why ? And would you ever be friends with a freshman ?




  1. Personally, I never picked on the freshman, but I tease them a little bit.  I had quite a few freshman friends.

  2. No, I'm a junior and I am good friends with some freshman.

  3. I'm a junior and I've never picked on an individual freshmen but in our school even the teachers joke about the freshmen in general ( behind their backs of course). Most freshmen have older siblings and/or friends so they don't really get picked on alot. Don't worry about one is gonna actually single you out unless you provoke them or something.

  4. People actually do! Haha, people would be friends with you, but you can't be one of the annoying, desperate ones. Good luck, freshie XD

  5. I am a junior and no I do not pick on freshmen. Maybe the first day if I'm with my friends, we will say how small they are and they need to get out of the halls, but I'd never be mean to any paticular one or say anything to their face. If they asked to help I would help them. I remember what its like to be a freshman. They pick on you because its like a right of passage. You were picked on as a freshman so now that you're older you get to do it. Most of the things kids tell you are lies though. You don't get shoved into lockers, or beat up. They may just say get outta the hall or something. And yes I would be friends with one if they're not immature. Don't worry though. Its mostly all hype. And its usually the boys that are picked on by the older guys. Freshmen girls don't have to worry.

  6. Hahahahaha you sound a little scared.

    But no, don't worry, usually, upper classmen are more mature and won't bother freshmen. They're ok.

  7. Freshmen Friday coming up!!!! for me at least, i'am a junior

  8. Ok.... I'm not proud of this, but I have occasionally mocked freshmen. I'm not mean, though.  Most people I know aren't mean either. One reason is because we find it irksome that you don't get right into the flow of things. You're clueless sometimes. And we find it hard to believe that we were the same way when we were freshmen.

    I do have freshmen friends.

    Don't worry, Just hang out with your friends, and try to catch on to the flow of your high school.  You'll be fine. Ignore anyone who try's to pick on freshmen. But It won't go away. We went through it.  You're going through it, and those to come will go through it. THat's high school.

    Good Luck!

  9. Yes upper classman pick on freshman, just because they can. Im a senior this year, and i can be sure i will be messing with the lower classman this year just like the rest.  

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