
To homeschool or not to homeschool?

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I am a figure skater, but I started a little after most people do. I already skate four days a week, and would like to skate more, but with the amount of homework my highschool gives me, that is unrealistic. Socaially, I LOVE highschool, but some of my teachers are horrible. The stress of getting A's and also advancing in my skating is a lot, and I'm considering homeschooling. Somepeople say the "highschool experience" is important, and others say get away while you can. I don't want to miss out on guys and rallys and all that stuff, but I am a little overwhelmed. Any opinions?




  1. Would having a tutor be in the realm of possibility?

    It sounds like you are intelligent and dedicated but that the hours of "high school" conflict with the hours of "skating".

    What do other figure skaters do?

    It is possible with a tutor to skate in the mornings and attend classes in the afternoon and then have a tutor 2-3 times a week in the evenings to keep up with your morning classes.

    Good luck and hope to see you on TV in the competitions.

  2. I was going to go homeschooling but after looking into it I changed my mine and I'm glad I did, I'd rather suffer with bad teachers than miss out on highschool, I was even a cheerleader and everything but it was too overwhelming honestly stick to highschool but do reasearch on homeschooling and check out one's near you and look into it, but also know homeschooling has a huge affect on colleges and with their accpetance, if your planning on college. good luck

  3. You have to decide what is more important to you: the skating or the "guys and rallies". The high school experience is important only if it's important to you. Many people over glorify it so people believe it's really important but don't have any reasons to believe that other than other people believe it. Also, homeschoolers can be as socially active as they wish to be.

    Figure out what's really important to you. When you have that figured out, you can pick one or the other with confidence.

  4. It depends on your priorities.  If skating is a priority for you, and you feel that you need to spend more time on it, something in your schedule needs to give.

    Why would you have to miss out on guys, games, and hanging out with your friends?  Homeschool kids date, go to games, and hang with their friends.  The only things you would miss would be the impossible schedule, the teachers you don't learn from, and the less important parts of the "high school experience".  No one ever suffered much from missing a pep rally :-)

    Since you're a dedicated skater, you obviously have the drive and motivation to set a goal and stick to it.  That is what is needed in order to homeschool.  Please don't let the (very few) things you'll miss out on make that decision for you, one way or the other.

    (By the way - homeschooling does have a huge effect on college entrance.  It puts you up a few notches on the admissions list.  Colleges all over the country are actively recruiting homeschoolers, and many have grant money set aside specifically for homeschool students.  This is because statistically, homeschooled kids tend to be more mature and responsible with their academics, their social life, and their ethics on campus.)

  5. Here is u will see Free HomeSchooling. My advice to u is that first start free homeschooling and if u like it then start it

    Best Regards

    I Hop U like My Answer


  6. In some states it is possible to dual enroll by officially homeschooling, but still taking some classes at the public school.

  7. You can homeschool and still have a great social life-it is a common, yet silly misconception that you cannot. Look for homschool co-ops in your area where you can participate with other kids. Some of them are even large enough to have their own proms.

    There is nothing that highschool offers that you cannot receive in better quality from homeschool-that INCLUDES social life

  8. You can still stay somewhat involved with school activities even if you don't go to school there anymore (I was homeschooled and still went to football games, dances, etc.)  ... but if you're skating all the time, will you still have time to do that anyway?

    I guess it's up to you whether or not you want to put that much devotion into skating.  If you do, then homeschooling could be a very good option.  You can still hang out with friends after school hours (and you'll still meet new people/guys through you friends, which is usually how it happens anyway).  Homeschooling really doesn't have to be much different socially, unless you make no effort to stay socially involved.

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