
To keep my light bill lowest, would it be best for my windows to face east, west, or south?

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To keep my light bill lowest, would it be best for my windows to face east, west, or south?




  1. The sun travels from east to west, so I dont think it really matters, cause it will be half day on each side, it depends if you will like to have more light in the morning or in the night.

  2. If you live in a colder climate, south facing windows would save on heat by letting in solar radiation. If you live in a hotter climate the summer sun may cancel out the savings by raising AC costs. A awning of some kind could lessen solar input in the summer ,while allowing the lower angle rays of the winter to come in. Large window areas which have awnings or can be shuttered  have been used to dramatically reduce winter heating bills. Curtains and special glass can reduce heat loss at night. I have seen glassed in porches used as "solar colectors" to bring in daytime heat. At night ,you simply close the doors between the house and  the porch to keep the heat in.

  3. The south... That way you'll have the sun all day as it travels from east to west  

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