
To late to take up Rugby? How to take it up late?

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I am 15 and over the past 5 years have really grown to love both forms of Rugby. I want to play but I am worried about 2 things, firstly I have never played full contact forms of rugby although have played touch and oztag before. Is it to late to take it up? And are there any good websites with videos of how to properly tackle and other skills.

I am also worried I am to small to play rugby. I am about 182cm yet I only weigh 55ishkg so quite a featherweight. Is this to small? And any hints on building up for rugby?




  1. hey im in the same position as you are except i play American Football i never really thought i could play it because i was like 5'4 and weighed a meager 100 pounds but i worked hard at practice and ate right now im on my highschool's team and im loving it. if i could do it i think you could too. your not too late to join rugby because the vetrans of the game also started without experiance too.

  2. I started playing rugby at 41.  Never too old, or too small.

  3. go to the lifting section about how to buidl up.

    YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD, SMALL, OR ESPECIALLY DUMB TO PLAY RUGBY. we have a shirt that says : our rugby players come in all shapes, sizes, and iq's. no rugby needs small guys, usually at winger. hitting is good.  with good form, you dont really need to be big to bring the guy down, though it is a HUGE advantage. go youtube the star hits of rugby.

    play it dude.

  4. hey, if you want to start taking up rugby just join your high school team they teach you everything. and about the hight thing smaller players make the best tacklers.

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