
To live and work in France, would I have to speak in French?

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I work as a medical secretary, so would I have to type French or English letters over there?




  1. I think you will get away with a few words of French if you are prepared to put in the effort and learn the language quickly when you get there. It is very hard to become fluent in a language unless you do live with native speakers anyway, and in my experience you can get by if you try to speak French. Maybe you could get a customer service based job somewhere where they need you to speak English for a few months until you pick up the language and then you can get a job as a medical secretary.

    Even my language teachers at school who had been living in the UK for many years still have to look up the occasional word - as we do with English, so don't think you have to be perfect, but I think you have to give it a go.

  2. Just shout in English until they understand

  3. Probably if you want to be a medical secretary, but if you want to live and work in France and not speak/write in French, there are other things you can do.  Be an "English Assistant" in French public schools.  See application at:  I did it and most teachers asked me not to speak any French to the students.  Many people are looking for native-english-speakers to tutor them in English or nanny so that their children grow up speaking English.  Check out  Of course, just being there, you will pick up phrases in no time.  It's not as scary to speak French as it seems!

  4. I'm afraid yes ! I'm french and I don't matter if someone adresses me in English, but it's said that some people apreciate that you at least try to speak French. If French people go to foreign countries, they try to speak the language of that country. But I think a "Bonjour" and "Merci" with a nice accent and smile will be OK if you don't speak French at all ; ). Anyway, in your everyday life, it would be useful to know basical French. And in your job, with contacts with people, it will be more than useful !

  5. If a french wants to work in USA does he have to speak english?? YES. So if you want to work in France i hink it is better to speak french... It is a logical problem.

  6. Depends on the job. I know several people with technical jobs (research or engineering) who went here for work and did not learn french for years.

    But in your case, yes, you have to speak french. Imagine a medical secretary speaking only french and working in UK: the patient will learn french for her ?

  7. it seems weird to me that anyone wanting to move to a foreign country should even ask this.

    i'm sorry if it sounds offensive to you, but i'm a french girl living in the uk and it would never have occured to me to not learn the language!

    you may be able to get away with speaking english in your workplace if the company you work for is british or american, but in everyday life, you will find that even though lots of people know a bit of english, they're far from fluent, and older people will most probably will not want to make the effort.

    besides which you will need to speak french when you go to the post office, the mairie, or anything connected with administration.

    so get cracking now, and good luck!!

  8. You'd need to speak French.  

    In cities - Paris, for instance - you'll find that a lot of people do speak Engish, but that doesn't mean you'd be able to work there in that role; for they type of work you're doing at the moment you'd be expected to speak and write French.  The French are very protective of their language - to the extent of having a special committee whose job it is to prevent the English language from creeping in and taking over - so you would need to learn it too.

  9. No, they're all going to learn English just for you! So don't worry! And if they don't understand you just yell it out all day until they get it!

  10. It would help chuck!

  11. No, they're all going to learn English just for you.

  12. Yes, they are not too keen to speak English you know.

  13. i dont see why , the hispanics living and working here do not speak english.

  14. ok i live in france and i can tell u dat french ppl hate speakin english and dey not good to speak another language dan french.and more u gota speak french very well coz dey not really understandin and dzey dont make efforts at all.dats my advice:speak french very good!!!

  15. french

  16. we don't make effort to speak fluent  English and have a terrible accent, most children learn scholar English but forget it soon as the course are very boring.

    In the street, many people are afraid to speak, only once you know them they make more efforts.

    All prescriptions are written in french

    If you went to Germany or Netherlands things would be different

  17. Well, that depends on where you're going to live in France, if it's in the countryside, get ready to draw. After that depends on the population as well, if you go to Britanny there is a lof of British.

    In all the case, if it's to live you can live without speaking French, I have a friend who used to live in Paris during 1 year and half and he wasn't able to have a basic conversation even at the end of his stay (lazy to learn it ^ ^). One thing is sure, even without to be bilingual, the people appreciate if you know at least some words or make some effort to speak French.

    Concerning work, that's a matter of fact you need to speak French. I mean you're secretary so you are in contact with people, so usually it requires, after there are different levels. Maybe you can post in FUSAC,  a magazine for english speaker.

  18. Depends ... you'll pick up some anyway after a while. People expect you to try at least; if your Job is primarily for your skills in English you should be fine. If you compete with French speakers for a french job you're in for a tough ride ;-) I have a friend who after 10 years in a small rural village and really good French is still called l'Anglais (they do like him, nearly as local feature now !!!) and a Friend in a trendy Paris job, whom his French colleagues envy because his English is perfect.

  19. depending on where you stay, it is likely that they will speak sufficiant english, weirdly they are more likely to know english if you are in a city like paris, rather than a smaller place such as lyon, as they will use it more. I also found when i stayed that it is very useful to know how to speak basic french, it will help you to survive so much easier!

  20. Of course you would have to speak French!

  21. heck no, everyone speaks english in the wholeeeeeeeeeee world.  They are right, if you shout they will understand eventually.

  22. The French do not have a high tolerance for people who live there and do not speak their language.

  23. Not gifted with common sense are you, how many non English typist-secretary's do you know working in the UK?

  24. France is anglophobic in general . Very few people speak english and the government continues to avoid any english word in public places. You want to work there? Learn French.

  25. Bad, bad French... Do not want to speak English in their own country!!


  26. nowadays most people speak or at least understand english but hey what if i am russian and don't speak any english can i get a job as a medical secretary in usa???

    The only place where it would not matter as much would be Geneva you'd feel right at home there with all those americans. and at 1/3 of people there don't speak  french and it is fine, AND you make much more money too

  27. I'm french and i live in Paris, you don't have to speak french but it's useful to learn some words to live in france.

    Nous ne sommes pas "anglophobic" et beaucoup de personnes vivent trés bien en France sans parler francais.

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