
To lower our rates our Allstate agent put me as the primary on our stick shift - the one car I can't drive

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He did this because my husband told him that we were going to have to switch companies because we could not longer afford the premiums (our rates are high because I was at fault in an accident last year). The agent told my hubby that I would still be covered if I drove the automatic (the car I always drive) even though I'm not listed as the primary or secondary driver on it.

Sounds weird to me - how does it sound to you?




  1. Sounds bad.  First eachother must be driving with consent from eachother, and that's already weird.  Then, if you have an accident, it is charged against your husband on the policy, even though he wasn't driving;  his rates go up.  If he has an at fault accident, you get nailed for it with higher premiums and the 'stigma'.

  2. Don't worry about it. My agent did the same for us -- it is primarily a money saving move. 'Officially,' your husband is the one who the vehicle policy is under, though you are still covered under that policy. I wouldn't worry too much about it -- you are still covered just like you were before, and its basically a bunch of insurance company red tape.

    You may have less driving experience, or more traffic tickets, or a combination of both that makes the insurance premium price go up if you were to be the primary driver on the automatic. And, generally speaking, stick shift vehicles have less premiums.

    As long as you aren't operating the vehicle for business use, or driving it in excess, you're fine.

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