or as someone else suggested increase the margin requirments to make trades on barrels of oil ---forcing indviduals or groups to have more money to get into the oil speculation game. (I am still chewing on that idea. I think companies would still offer ways to work around that.)
I obviously don't mean "tax gas" and I am not talking about taxing Oil company's profits as some have --- I think that would be passed on as higher gas prices.
Unlike the "winfall profit tax" idea, I am talking about taxing people who really have no role in the production of Oil, therefore the costs of the tax would not be passed on to us.
I mean impose a fee on each purchase of oil on the markets. Make it painful for an investor to buy oil as a commodity. Create a financial incentive for investors to invest in other commodities or stocks or bonds. If they want to still invest in Oil, make it seem obvious that they get to keep more of a return investing in oil companies rather than the oil itself.