Marx was perhaps a bit too optimistic in assuming that we would all magically fall into line and do our part to uphold the collective. Jobs could be assigned based on skill and interests. Productivity standards could be implemented.
All money would be electronic, and an equal amount would be allocated to each person's account every month, which would be deleted if it wasn't used after a certain period of time (this would eliminate hoarding). Of course we can't stop people from growing their own food to sell it for a little bit extra, but the government could prevent people from giving their e-money to others. Miniature barter systems would pose no real threat to the larger economic market. All people (from top to bottom) would earn the same amount of e-mony every month.
Those that refused to work would be docked some of their e-money, and continued refusal to work would incur jail time. While in jail, they would either work or they would forfeit their food.