
To make it even worse.....?

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My parents had the exact same dream as I've posted up. Should I be concerned?




  1. no you shouldnt be worried it happens all the time you and your parents most likely had done something or thought of the same thing before you went to bed.

  2. What did you do?  Go wake your parents?

    The dream means that you provoke trouble wherever you go.  You bring out the worst in people and situations.

    Some other guy could go the same places you go, have a pleasant time, and walk away peacefully.  But YOU always say or do something that stirs up trouble.  You have a total lack of self control.  Sorry, kid, but you're stuck on stupid.  And your parents know it, too.

    Pray and ask God to forgive you, and ask Him to help you develop self control.  Then COOPERATE with Him, ok?

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