
To much diet pepsi????

by Guest60959  |  earlier

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do you think drinking to much diet pepsi is bad for you? i drink like 6-8 bottles a day. am i gonna die or what? because to be honest with you i feel prettty good.




  1. You might get kidney disease in the waaaay future... but for right now, keep it up! Soda rox

  2. um I would never drink that much soda... even if it's diet... diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda... sometimes worse... it will eventually take a toll on your stomache... tell your doctor next time you see him/her and you'll hear the same thing

  3. you might get lucky and not get gall stones like i did at 36.

  4. Woah woah woah!

    Slow down on that stuff. Just cause it is diet doesnt make it good for you. The bubbles from the soda rise in your stomach making you way bloated. And the chemicals are really bad for your body also.

  5. Guzzle it up!

  6. Yeo all of that aspartame willgive you a very loose bowel.

    Your body needs just plain water to function at it's optimum and no one knows yet the long term effects of sodas on teh body!

  7. just drink 2-3 a day dude

  8. Don't listen to the people who say sugar substitutes cause cancer/lupus/MS, etc. There is no evidence for this. ( aspartame.asp)

    There has been some research linking diet drinks to obesity, but no one knows whether the drinks make you overweight (perhaps by making you crave sugar) or if overweight people tend to drink  diet drinks in an effort to control their weight.

    Proceed with caution.

  9. no calories so why not

  10. well my 500 pound uncle drinks 3-4 two liter bottles of diet pepsi a day if that helps you.

  11. To be blunt, your stomach will be eaten away by acid. Aspartame and phenelalaline mix with sodium benzaote and form benzine, a fairly potent acid. Just drink regular, it wont make you fat or anything(The sugar in it is bad but still better than diet).

    But, who am i to talk, i still drink it.

  12. first of all no one in the world should drink that much soda, just isn't healthy no matter if it is diet or freakin liquid sugar.

    Try and limiting on how much you drink lol

    also drink water.. its good for you and you can also put water packets in your drink to make it taste like w\e :)

  13. hahah well drinking that much of any kind of soda is not good fro ur health but ur not going to die

  14. Yeah,too much of anything can be bad for you.
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