
To much moisture in my basement. what can i do? is there a machine that can help?

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To much moisture in my basement. what can i do? is there a machine that can help?




  1. You need a dehumidifier.

  2. Go out and get a really nice high powered dehumidifier. I'm sorry to say that with dehumidifiers you get what you pay for, but they will last and it's awesome to see all those liters of water in the tank when it's time to empty it. Just thinking that it used to be in the air or in the carpet? Yuck

  3. you can try lighting a fire so it can evaporate the moisture.......i suggest in a trash can put magazines and paper and have the fire next to the window for just in case........good for roasting marsh-mellows too........if you don't like that then try blowing up half of the wall to really get that air it during winter to really get that cold air in,  might make your heating bill a bit too much but at least no more moisture............if not then just go with those people idea of that machine...........=]

  4. A dehumidifier would take the water out of the basement.  You will need to empty the water or connect a hose to the valve on the machine to the basement drain.  This should help but not solve the problem.  basements will have moisture.  dehumidifier will only prevent mold from starting.  hope this helps.

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