
To muslims worldwide : Are you ready?

by  |  earlier

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For Ramadan... I often get intimidated by Ramadan because I don't want to s***w this month up. I want to do as much ibaadat as possible, and sometimes I get sidetracked... so I'm posting this question to know, Are you ready? Emotions before the start? Any preparations going on?

I have to go buy food.. HOPING, inshallah, to fast the whole month.

P.S --> Is it haram to listen to music in Islam, or should I avoid it? Can I listen to nasheeds instead? Any suggestions?




  1. Are you going to be staying in the Ramadan Inn? What room#?

  2. It is about 60 bucks a pop, you won´t s***w worries

    Aaaaa, a ramadan section?

    click on groups

  3. You should try to get ready! Ramadan is an annual discount that Allah has given us! doing one fard (or obligatory worship) is equal in reward to doing 70 of that fard not in Ramadan. Doing a Sunna (or an optional worship) is equal in reward to doing a fard or obligatory worship. And anyways when you do any act of worship of any kind, you get rewarded for doing at least 10 times of this worship. In other words you get the reward of doing 700 fards (obligatory worships like the 5 prayers and fasting in ramadan). Isn't that cool :D

    Pray that Allah helps you in fasting and doing as much ibaada as you can. Allah is all hearing and he answers prayers, so have faith in him and try your best. Don't forget me in your prayers :D

  4. Its not haram to listen to music its haram to listne to music including swears

  5.   Ramazan is an opportunity to re-establish your broken link with Almighty Allah. Remember He has billions of worshipers. In order to win His pleasure we need to do financial sacrifices. Prepare and serve food to the poor, paying alms and poor due and taking good care of your parents, kids and spouse are likely to win you more reward. In this month, the reward is increased at least 70 fold. So it is a good time to work ceaselessly for Allah.

      If you fulfill your Ramzan responsibilities well, you are likely to get one more Ramzan, that is your life will be extended.

                           Muhammad Javed Iqbal  

  6. Deep mental preparation is unnecessary - this is about faith; if you have stronger faith you take it as a "must be done". Remember fasting Ramadan is one of our pillars.

    You have been listening music for 11 months - this month of a direct contract between you and your creator; sure you can avoid music. May ALLAH give you strength, health and gust to overcome of evil things during Ramadan. ALLAH blessings to you.

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