
To nap or not to nap?

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Did you/do you nap while pregnant? Emma takes two good naps a day, but the I can't sleep because I think of all that needs done. Sometimes it seems when I nap I feel worse than when I first feel asleep. So, if you nap when and how long?




  1. When I was pregnant, I napped when ever I could.  I was so tired that if I didn't nap, I wouldn't have been very productive anyways.  On the weekends, I would sleep whenever I felt like it (I didn't have a baby then, lol).  During the week while I was at work, I would actually go out to my car and nap during my lunch hour... Because I'd be eating all day anyways, lol

  2. I napped so much when I was pregnant. I would wake up and only be up for a couple of hours when I needed one. Pregnancy was not good for me.

  3. I am 15 weeks and I can't nap. I feel so much worse when I wake up. I feel nauseous, grumpy, and more tired than before I fell asleep. Sometimes I  can't help it and I just fall asleep sitting on the couch, but for the most part I just try and get enough sleep at night and stay away from the naps. If I do I try and limit it to 20 minutes.

  4. Sure, I napped in the evenings after work and on weekends when I was pregnant. But...I didn't have any other children then. Now that we are in the planning stages for #2, I realize that naps are something I'll probably have to make due without when we get pregnant again. I don't remember being horribly exhausted, but I was really, again something for us to consider how to handle once we have another baby. Good luck!

  5. When I was pregnant, I napped all the time...whenever I wanted for as long as I wanted (I have always been a napper though).  Now that my baby is 10 months, I usually don't nap, because, like you, I can't stop thinking of all that needs done.  On days that I am tired from the start I do try to nap, because I know I will be totally wiped out about 2 hours before baby is ready for bed.  I find it is best to nap when he takes his morning nap, for whatever reason, i feel better when I wake up then, but if I nap during his afternoon nap I wake up feeling out of it and it ruins the rest of my day.

  6. Towards the end of my pregnancy I would be sleeping unless I had to eat or go to the store, I just couldn't stay awake.  My daughter is 7 months now and I'm not going to get pregnant anytime soon because she is very demanding and I couldn't imagine being that tired again and having to care for my daughter.  If your dd takes nice long naps then you should nap need your strength and it's good for your unborn baby as well.

  7. a ten minute nap is sometimes better for you then an hour or two nap.

    i took naps while pregnant forsure...and you are entitled to do have a whole day to get stuff done, so take a break for yourself every now and then.

    10 minutes to a half hour will help your body recoop and you will feel better when you get up...sleeping or napping to long, can make you feel like c**p

  8. The first time around, yeah I could nap whenever I wanted.  But for my second pregnancy with another child running around, I rarely sat down to rest.  Even when my daughter was napping, I had things to do....  :)

  9. I napped a lot while pregnant. For 3 months all I did was throw up, so I would go straight from the bathroom back to bed and go to sleep until I had to throw up again. When I wasn't at work I would sleep all day. Now, with an 11 month old I never get to sleep.

  10. I have ended up taking a lot more naps this time then I ever did with my son. Fortunately, my son sleeps for at least 3 hours in the morning. (He's 18 months old).  So usually I take my nap right about then. Get at least a couple hours extra in. It definitely helps me regain some energy.

  11. Please worry less about household chores, and more about the health or you and your children. Pregnancy can be very draining and your daughter needs you to be in shape. The one on the way also needs you to be in good health. You are resting for two!
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