
To old for Disney Land?

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Im fourteen years old and im having second thoguhts of going there with my family, but i do have 2 little sisters & i know they'll enjoy it. But should i as a fourteen year old girl should o go? Thankyou so much! :)




  1. i'm old enough to be your mother and i'm not too old for Disneyland.

  2. mmm im 19. & i LOVE disneyland. matter a fact im watching Beauty & The Beast. & I love it. Happiest place in the World.

  3. Too old for Disneyland?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Whenever I go there theres teenagers everywhere, including myself as one.

  4. Way to old. No. Just kidding. Go, it is fine!

  5. I'm 15, and have two little sisters, and my family went to disney a couple months ago. I had a fun time, but my younger sisters are 11 and 13, so we mostly did "older" rides. I'd say, if you will enjoy the time with your family, or you have similar amusement interests, go. But disney is alot of work, and very tiring (walking and lines and bad food takes a toll), so if you don't want to go, don't force yourself. If you don't want to be there, you probably will not enjoy it.

  6. i can understand at 14 that you are at the age where you are not really a kid anymore but also not an adult

    so you don't want to get caught doing kid stuff and feel like you are little

    i toooootally get that

    i really do

    here's my advice:

    i'd go, it is a family thing. your sisters would love having you there. but then also talk to your parents about how you feel. maybe ask them if you can bring a friend OR maybe when you get back your parents will give you some time with friends as an extra 'treat' for you

    family time is really important. i really think you should do this

    plus adults even go there for their honeymoons and stuff, you can't get much more adult than that :)

  7. youre NEVERRRRRR too old to be a kid again. and ESPECIALLY disney land, NO ONE is EVERRRRr too old for disney land.


  8. No one is ever too old to go to Disneyland!  My dad is older than you and he is always happy to go to Disneyland and always has fun.  I really think you should go but  the normal Disneyland has long lines in almost every cool ride, but the California Adventure has mostly short lines and is for the little kids too.

  9. you are never too old for disney land  its for the old and the young   you will really enjoy and so will your little sisters

  10. i love Disneyland and im about ur same age

  11. You are never too old for the happiest place on earth.


  12. your never to old for disneyland what's wrong with you

  13. Yea you dumb d**e

  14. You're never too old!  I always loved going to Disneyland since I was 2 until now (28) and it was one thing I loved to do with my family and was never "too cool" to go even when I was a teenager.  Just go!  You'll have fun, and you'll have fun with your family.

  15. im same age. i thought the same thing last year..but with disney world.  i decided to go and it was pretty much the  best time i ever had in my life...and now i really wanna go back....u definately should go cuz if not u will regret it

  16. No way, you will never be too old for disney land, go have fun you will love it as much as anyone else and i bet you will see all different ages there having the best time, go enjoy have fun you wont be sorry...  :-)

  17. UR NEVER TO OLD!!!  just depends on what rides u go on. the ones in fantasyland are for children but u should go on space mountain, splash mountain, big thunder mountain, indiana jones......really fun. california adventure has some really fun rides too.

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